ASN Report 2018

take place. The DIS comprises two Branches: “Exposure in the Medical Sector” and “Exposure of Workers and the Public”. ∙ ∙ The Environment and Emergency Department (DEU) is responsible for monitoring environmental protection and managing emergency situations. It establishes policy on nationwide radiological monitoring and on the provision of information to the public and helps to ensure that discharges from BNIs are as low as reasonably achievable, in particular by establishing general regulations. It contributes to defining the framework of the organisation of the public authorities and nuclear licensees in the management of emergency situations. The DEU comprises two Offices: “Safety and Preparedness for Emergency Situations” and “Environment and Prevention of Detrimental Effects”. ∙ ∙ The Legal Affairs Department (DAJ) provides consulting, analysis and assessment and assistance services on legal matters. It assists the various departments and the regional divisions with drafting ASN standards and analyses the consequences of new texts and new reforms on ASN’s actions. It takes part in drawing up ASN’s enforcement and sanctions doctrine. It defends ASN’s interests before administrative and judicial courts, jointly with the entities concerned. It takes part in the legal training of staff and in coordinating regulations steering committees. ∙ ∙ The Information, Communication and Digital Usages Department (DIN) implements the ASN information and communication policy in the fields of nuclear safety and radiation protection. It coordinates communication and information actions targeting different audiences, with a focus on handling requests for documentation, making ASN’s position known and explaining regulations. It is responsible for the IT infrastructure, for overseeing the digital transformation and the development of digital services for the parties concerned and the ASN audiences. The DIN comprises three offices: “Public Information”, “Publications and Multimedia” and “IT and Digital Usages”. ∙ ∙ The International Relations Department (DRI) coordinates ASN’s bilateral, European and multilateral actions on the international stage, both formal and informal. It develops exchanges with ASN’s foreign counterparts in order to promote and explain the French approach and practices with regard to nuclear safety and radiation protection and to gain a greater understanding of practices abroad. It provides the countries concerned with useful information about the safety of French nuclear facilities, more specifically those which are located close to the borders. The DRI coordinates ASN representation in cooperative structures created under bilateral agreements or arrangements, but also within formal international bodies such as the European Union (ENSREG – European Nuclear Safety Regulators Group – which it chairs), the IAEA or the OECD’s Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA). It ensures similar coordination in the more informal structures taking the form of associations (e.g.: WENRA – Western European Nuclear Regulators Association, INRA – International Nuclear Regulators Association, HERCA – Heads of European Radiation Control Authorities) or cooperative groups under multilateral State-based initiatives (e.g.: NSSG – Nuclear Safety and Security Working Group, under the G7). ∙ ∙ The Office of Administration (SG) helps to provide ASN with the adequate, appropriate and long-term resources necessary for it to function. It is responsible for managing human resources, including with regard to skills, and for developing social dialogue. It is also responsible for ASN real estate policy and its logistical and material resources. It is in charge of implementing the ASN budget policy and ensures optimised use of its financial resources. The SG comprises three offices: “Human Resources”, “Budget and Finance”, “Logistics and Real Estate”. ∙ ∙ The Management and Expertise Office (MEA) provides ASN with a high level of expertise. It ensures that ASN’s actions are coherent, by means of a quality approach and by overseeing coordination of the workforce. The MEA comprises two offices: “Expertise and Research” and “Coordination and Quality”. ∙ ∙ The Oversight Support Office (MSC) ensures that the inspections carried out by ASN are pertinent, harmonised, effective and in-line with ASN’s values. For this purpose, it more particularly coordinates the processes involved in drawing up and monitoring the ASN inspection programme implemented by its departments and the approved organisations. • ASN regional divisions For many years, ASN has benefited from a regional organisation built around its eleven regional divisions. These regional divisions operate under the authority of the regional representatives. The Director of the Regional Directorate for the Environment, Planning and Housing (Dreal) or of the Regional and Interdepartmental Directorate for the Environment and Energy (Driee) in which the division in question is located takes on this responsibility as regional representative. He/she is placed at the disposal of ASN to fulfil this role. This person From left to right: Daniel Delalande, Olivier Gupta, Bastien Poubeau, Anne‑Cécile Rigail and Julien Collet (Christophe Quintin, not in photo) The Executive Committee From left to right: Jean‑Luc Lachaume, Lydie Évrard, Bernard Doroszczuk, Philippe Chaumet‑Riffaud and Sylvie Cadet‑Mercier The Commission ASN report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2018  117 02 – THE PRINCIPLES OF NUCLEAR SAFETY AND RADIATION PROTECTION AND THE REGULATION AND OVERSIGHT STAKEHOLDERS 02