ASN Report 2018

∙ ∙ “Civil service” declaration of interests introduced by Act 2016-483 of 20 April 2016 into Article 25 of Act  83-634 of 13 July 1983 and governed by Decree 2016-1967 of 28 December 2016 (see 2-3° for ASN): the decision defining ASN positions subject to the declaration of interests in this respect will be adopted jointly with the new internal rules of procedure. ∙ ∙ Management by the ASN Director General of his financial instruments in conditions which preclude all right of review on his part, pursuant to Article 25 quater of the 13 July 1983 Act and Decree 2017-547 of 13 April 2017: the ASN DG submitted substantiating data to the HATVP before 2 November 2017. The ASN Chairman appointed a professional ethics coordinator pursuant to Article 28 bis of the 13 July 1983 Act and Decree 2017-519 of 10 April 2017: In a decision of 6 November 2017, he appointed Mr. Henri Legrand as ASN professional ethics coordinator. Procedures for collecting internal ethics alerts from ASN personnel, pursuant to Act 2016-1691 of 9 December 2016 and Decree 2017-564 of 19 April 2017 were also put into place. ASN has also modified its internal regulations. These now comprise two appendices: the first contains provisions regarding the professional ethics of the commissioners and staff, while the second contains provisions concerning external analysis and assessment performed at the request of ASN. Over and above the implementation of the obligations recalled above, provision is also made for actions to raise personnel awareness in order to improve the internal professional ethics culture and prevent conflicts of interest, such as the posting of practical documents on the intranet (e.g.: information notice of 21 March 2017 on the prevention of conflicts of interest and the role of the civil service professional ethics commission), or a recent intervention on “rules of professional ethics applicable to ASN staff” during the “getting to know ASN” sessions organised for new arrivals. • Financial resources ASN’s financial resources are presented in point 3. In its opinion of 5 April 2018, ASN notes that the increase in its human resources by two FTE for 2018 clearly shows the Government’s attentiveness to the resources devoted to the oversight of nuclear safety, at a time of unprecedented challenges. However, as the events which occurred during the year confirmed its analysis of the needs for the “2018-2020 three-year period”, ASN maintains its request for hiring of “Nuclear safety” inspector training programme, Pressurised Water Reactor (PWR), Laboratories, Plants, Decommissioning and Waste (LUDD) and cross-disciplinary qualification Qualifying professional experience Mandatory qualification Specific PWR training • Pressurised water reactor • Fire • “External hazards” • Ventilation • Nuclear Pressure Equipment (NPE) • Monitoring of PWR safety Specific LUDD training • Introduction to atomic engineering • Fire • External hazards • Ventilation Specific cross-disciplinary training • Pressurised water reactor • Fire • External hazards • Ventilation “ASN core activities” basic training • Inspections at ASN • Sanctions • General knowledge of ASN personnel • Regulation radiation protection training for ASN staff likely to intervene in a regulated area • Introduction to general communication Joint “nuclear safety” “qualifying” technical training • Nuclear licensee routine operations approach - Immersion • BNI technical regulations Joint nuclear safety inspectors qualifying experience • Has followed two inspections as an observer • Has played a hands-on role in three inspections PWR inspectors qualifying experience (excluding Pressure Equipment - PE), LUDD • Has taken part in three notification investigations of Article 26 • Has taken part in three significant event investigations (ASN regional divisions) PWR inspectors qualifying experience with intervention limited to the PE field • Has taken part in investigating five PE-related files • Has taken part in three technical meetings on PE-related topics • A tutor’s report produced following the training period 120  ASN report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2018 02 – THE PRINCIPLES OF NUCLEAR SAFETY AND RADIATION PROTECTION AND THE REGULATION AND OVERSIGHT STAKEHOLDERS