ASN Report 2018

• Monitoring exposure to radon Article R. 1333-15 of the Public Health Code and Article R. 4451-136 of the Labour Code provide for the radon activity concentration to be measured either by IRSN or by ASN approved organisations. These measurements are to be taken between 15 September of a given year and 30 April of the following year. For the 2017-2018 measurement campaign, the number of approved organisations is indicated in Table 5. • Monitoring exposure to natural ionising radiation in non-nuclear industries The Order of 25 May 2005 defined the list of professional activities (ore or rare earth processing industries, spas and facilities treating groundwater for human consumption) requiring monitoring of human exposure to natural ionising radiation. In these activities, the materials used contain natural radionuclides likely to generate doses that are significant from the radiation protection standpoint. • Monitoring natural radioactivity in water intended for human consumption Monitoring the natural radioactivity in water intended for human consumption is the role of the ARS. The procedures Breakdown of inspection days in the BNIs by topic in 2018* 544 Personnel and organisation 603 Nuclear safety 165 General inspection and others 98 Radiation protection 233 Effluent, waste and environmental monitoring 231 Pressure equipment TOTAL 2,122 97 Emergency management 152 Prevention of risks including fire Graph 1 Breakdown of inspection days in the transport of radioactive substances by topic in 2018* 26 Industrial consignments including gamma radiography / gamma densitometry 6 Maintenance 4 Safety management 11 Rail, air and maritime transport 10 On-site transport operations (BNI Order) 21 Road transport 8 Fabrication 12 Others (including safety advisor) 44 Shipments for medical purposes TOTAL 205 12 Non-approved packages (manufacturing and safety file) 52 BNI consignments Graph 2 Breakdown of inspection days in the medical field by nature of activity in 2018* 506 Fluoroscopy-guided interventional practices 173 External radiotherapy 64 Computed tomography 24 Other medical activities TOTAL 979 168 Nuclear medicine 45 Brachytherapy 45 % 3 % 28 % 33 % 35 % % = percentage of the pool inspected Graph 3 Breakdown of inspection days in small-scale nuclear industrial and veterinary activities by nature of activity in 2018* 265 Manufacture, distribution and use of sealed and unsealed sources 53 Use of electrical devices emitting ionising radiation (fixed X-ray generator) 28 High-activity sealed sources 68 Use of ionising radiation by veterinary surgeons 178 Industrial radiography 8 Use of gamma ray densitometers TOTAL 686 87 Other small-scale nuclear activities Graph 4 * Inspection day figures rounded off. ASN report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2018  139 03 – REGULATION OF NUCLEAR ACTIVITIES AND EXPOSURE TO IONISING RADIATION 03