ASN Report 2018

Events involving radiation protection (other than BNIs and RMT) notified in 2018 129 Concerning one or more patients (therapeutic purposes) 61 Concerning one or more workers 64 Other events concerning radiation protection TOTAL 675 45 Loss, theft or discovery of radioactive sources or substances 188 Concerning the general public 188 Concerning one or more patients (diagnostic purposes) Graph 9 Events involving radiation protection in BNIs notified in 2018 20 Abnormal situation affecting a source with activity higher than the exemption thresholds 1 Radiological monitoring device inspection interval exceeded 12 Any significant deviation concerning radiological cleanness 2 Activity with a radiological risk performed without risk assessment or ignoring its findings 2 One quarter of the annual dose limit exceeded or event capable of leading to such a situation 2 Act or attempted malicious act likely to affect the radiation protection of persons TOTAL 191 37 Signage anomaly or failure to comply with zone access conditions 115 Other significant event which could affect radiation protection Graph 8 Events involving the transport of radioactive substances notified in 2018 17 Traceability anomaly (loss, delivery error, etc.) 7 Other events considered to be significant 16 Hazard affecting the material, package or conveyance TOTAL 91 5 Deterioration of a containment barrier or a safety function 19 Regulation irradiation or contamination limits exceeded 27 Other failures to comply with the regulations Graph 10 ASN report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2018  143 03 – REGULATION OF NUCLEAR ACTIVITIES AND EXPOSURE TO IONISING RADIATION 03