ASN Report 2018

First-hand news of the CLIs ASN invited representatives from the three CLIs of South-West France (Blayais, Civaux, Golfech) to tightened “Environment” inspections of the NPPs. A representative of the Belleville-sur-Loire CLI also accompanied ASN during a worksite inspection. The observers were then able to give their testimonial before the CLI members at public meetings devoted to the conclusions of these inspections. CLI meetings held prior to the emergency exercises organised in the NPPs (such as Nogent‑sur‑Seine, Chooz, Saint‑Laurent-des-Eaux, etc.), informed the public about the preparation of these exercises (implications, scenarios, etc.). The extension of the radius of the off-site emergency plan zones from 10 to 20km – one of the major topics in 2018 - was the subject of many public meetings involving the mayors of the municipalities concerned (e.g.: Belleville-sur-Loire, Blayais, Paluel, Penly, etc.). The subjects on the table: the local safeguard plans (PCS) and the municipality information documents on major risks (“Dicrim”) for these municipalities. At Nogent‑sur‑Seine and Chooz, the CLIs particularly monitored the updating of the Off-site Emergency Plans (PPI) by the Prefect’s offices concerned: the CLIs were, for example, invited to the consultation meetings with the local elected officials. At the end of the year, the CLIs of Dampierre-en-Burly, Saint‑Laurent-des-Eaux, Cruas-Meysse, Tricastin and Bugey organised public meetings devoted to the national consultation on the 4th periodic safety review of the 900 MWe reactors. Projects for “Inter-CLI” meetings were revived in 2018; they will be held in early June 2019 for the Sud-Est (South-East) and in early July 2019 for the Val de Loire. ཛྷ ཛྷ The Somanu CLI held its last meeting in Maubeuge. Given that the site – whose flagship activity is the maintenance of NPP reactor coolant pump sets – no longer has basic nuclear installation status, it will henceforth be monitored by a Site Monitoring Commission (CSS). ཛྷ ཛྷ The Gravelines CLI organised a public meeting on the theme “Living near a nuclear power plant: risk and emergency management” which was attended by about 150 people. ཛྷ ཛྷ At a public meeting organised in Soulaines-Dhuys (Aube waste repository), Santé Publique France presented a study on the monitoring of cancers in the vicinity of the site. ཛྷ ཛྷ In Bure, the public meetings organised by the CLIS (Local Information and Monitoring Committee) focused on  the regulations and organisation of the transport of radioactive substances as part of the projected railway connection for the Cigéo project. ཛྷ ཛྷ At Brennilis and Golfech, the public meeting was devoted to the question of radioactive waste management. ཛྷ ཛྷ At Chinon, the CLI public meeting addressed the post-Fukushima measures. ཛྷ ཛྷ At Blayais, the public meeting served to assess the situation of nuclear safety, radiation protection and environmental protection at the NPP. ཛྷ ཛྷ At Civaux, a general meeting open to the press focused on the anomalies in the steel of the steam generators and on the fuel removals. ASN report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2018  179 05 – INFORMING THE PUBLIC AND OTHER AUDIENCES 05