ASN Report 2018

Nevertheless, the organisation put in place for the intervention of medical physicist, indicating the duties and time of presence on site, is only fully defined in 73% of the departments. In a third of the cases, the POPM (Medical Physics Organisation Plan) does not cover all the requirements of ASN Guide No. 20, or the medical physics organisation described in the POPM is insufficient with regard to the risks linked with the activity. 4.3.3  –  Protection of the general public and the environment The questions relating to protection of the public and the environment are dealt with satisfactorily in many of the centres inspected (see Graph 11). Thus, nearly 85% of the departments have a deliveries area that complies with the requirements of ASN resolution 2014-DC- 0463 of 23 October 2014 (dedicated and protected). In about 85% of the departments the activity concentration of the effluents discharged after decay comply with the regulatory limits (10 Bq/L for contaminated effluents after storage, or 100 Bq/L for effluents from the rooms of patients treated with iodine-131). Further progress must nevertheless be made: ∙ ∙ in departments other than nuclear medicine department that use unsealed sources, since only about 70% of them have carried out non-contamination verifications at the end of therapeutic procedures in accordance with the planned protocol; ∙ ∙ in nearly 20% of the inspected units the traceability of alarm device inspections was incomplete or the systems were not operational. Implementation of the recommendations of ASN circular letter of 17 April 2012 concerning feedback on leaks in pipes carrying contaminated liquid effluents in nuclear medicine units is not totally effective: the pipe networks of the departments, and of the ITR rooms where applicable, are mapped in 60% of the facilities, the condition of the pipes and tanks is monitored in Percentage of conformity of the facilities inspected with regard to radiation protection of medical professionals in 2018 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Radiation Protection Expert-Officer with valid certificate Controlled areas, access instructions, dosimetric results compliant Coordination of risk prevention measures established with all outside contractors All workers trained in radiation protection within last 3 years Diagram 10 Percentage of conformity of the facilities with regard to protection of the public and the environment in 2018 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Secured, dedicated and locked premises for source reception Contamination checks outside department on completion of therapeutic procedures Operation of tank alarms verified regularly Compliance with regulatory limits for effluent discharges Diagram 11 ASN report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2018  219 07 – MEDICAL USES OF IONISING RADIATION 07