ASN Report 2018

• ASN’s remediation requirements For the more important deviations, ASN published Guide No. 21 on 6 January 2015 covering the processing of compliance deviations. This Guide specifies ASN’s requirements concerning the correction of non-conformities and presents the approach expected of the licensee in accordance with the principle of proportionality. This is based more specifically on an assessment of the potential or actual consequences of any deviation identified and on the licensee’s ability to guarantee control of the reactor in the event of an accident, by taking appropriate compensatory measures. The Guide also recalls the principle of correction of compliance deviations as soon as possible and in any case defines the maximum time allowed. • Significant events EDF is required to notify ASN of and then analyse any significant events occurring in its NPPs (see chapter 3, point 3.3). Each significant event is, whenever appropriate, rated by ASN on the INES scale. This processing of notification and analysis of significant events contributes to operating experience feedback and to the continuous improvement approach for the protection of the interests mentioned in Article L. 593-1 of the Environment Code. At the local and national levels, ASN examines all significant events reported (a summary of their analysis for 2018 is given in point 2.4.8) and checks that EDF has dealt with them. The significant events considered to be noteworthy owing to their severity or their recurring or generic nature, are the subject of an in-depth analysis by ASN. During inspections in the NPPs and the EDF head office departments, ASN checks the licensee’s organisation and the steps taken to learn the technical and organisational lessons from operating experience feedback. 2.4.8  –  Evaluation of facilities compliance with their applicable requirements The periodic testing, equipment maintenance and replacement programmes, the reactor periodic safety review approach and the correction of deviations should enable the licensee to check and ensure the lasting ability of the equipment in an NPP to perform the functions assigned to it for the protection of persons and the environment. Seismic resistance of the auxiliary systems of the emergency diesel generating sets In 2017, EDF reported a significant safety event concerning the failure to demonstrate the seismic resistance of the civil engineering anchors of the auxiliary systems of the emergency diesel generating sets for itsnuclear power reactors. ASN rated this event level 2 on the INES scale. The event covers both design problems which are generic to all the reactors concerned and local problems relating to the poor condition or poor installation of the anchors. This was the subject of ASN information notices on 20 June 2017, 30 October 2017 and 17 January 2018. At that time, it concerned 26 reactors of 900 and 1,300 MWe. On 3 April 2018 and then on 16 November 2018, following analysis of the results of additional inspections, EDF informed ASN that other 900 MWe reactors were also concerned by this event. ASN thus rated this significant event level 2 on the INES scale for an additional 11 reactors. Each of the reactors in the French NPPs has two emergency diesel generating sets. This equipment provides a redundant electrical power supply to certain safety systems in the event of the loss of off-site electrical power, more particularly in the wake of an earthquake. The emergency diesel generator sets comprise a generator, a diesel engine and auxiliary systems (cooling, pre-lubrication, etc.). If off-site electrical power is lost as a result of an earthquake, the operation of the emergency diesel generating sets could no longer be guaranteed owing to the failure of their auxiliary systems. On all of the reactors concerned by this event, work has been carried out to reinforce the anchors of the emergency diesel generating sets. Certain inspections which can only be performed when the reactor is shut down for refuelling must however still be conducted and assessed. During the course of its inspections, ASN checks correct performance of the inspections and the reinforcement work on the anchors. Emergency diesel generator set in the Penly NPP ASN report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2018  293 10 – EDF NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS 10