Abstracts ASN Report 2019

׬٫ ڲ Financing the regulation of nuclear safety and radiation protection Since 2000, all the personnel and operating resources involved in the performance of the responsibilities entrusted to ASN have been covered by the State’s general budget. Ł ŇĻĸ ӅӃӄӌׇ ňķĺĸŇ ĶŇё ŇĻĸ ĵňķĺĸŇ ҎĴĶŇļłŁ ӌׇ łĹ ŃŅłĺŅĴŀŀĸׇӄӋӄ Ѣ ļņľ ŃŅĸʼnĸŁŇļłŁѣҏ ĴŀłňŁŇĸķ Ňł ҫӉӆєӌӊׇŀļĿĿļłŁ ļŁ ŃĴŌŀĸŁŇ ĶŅĸķļŇņ Ҏ ҏє Ň ļŁĶĿňķĸķ ҫӇӉєӇӇׇŀļĿĿļłŁ ĹłŅ ŃĸŅņłŁŁĸĿ ĸŋŃĸŁņĸņ ĴŁķ ҫӄӊєӈӆׇŀļĿĿļłŁ ļŁ ĹłŅ łŃĸŅĴŇļŁĺ ĶŅĸķļŇņ ĹłŅ ĻĸĴķ łĹĹļĶĸ ĴŁķ ļŇņ ӄӄׇŅĸĺļłŁĴĿ ķļʼnļņļłŁņё ĴŁķ ļŁŇĸŅʼnĸŁŇļłŁ ĶŅĸķļŇņє The ASN’s budget is divided among five different public policy programmes: Ҋ ĴĶŇļłŁ ӌ Ѣ ĸĺňĿĴŇļłŁ ĴŁķ łʼnĸŅņļĺĻŇ łĹ ŁňĶĿĸĴŅ ņĴĹĸŇŌ ĴŁķ ŅĴķļĴŇļłŁ ŃŅłŇĸĶŇļłŁѣ łĹ ŃŅłĺŅĴŀŀĸ ӄӋӄ Ѣ ļņľ ŃŅĸʼnĸŁŇļłŁѣ covers the ASN workforce and personnel credits, as well as the operating, investment and intervention spending incurred for the performance of its duties; Ҋ in addition, a certain number of operating costs (of head office and the regional divisions) are included in the support programmes of the economic and financial ministries ҎŃŅłĺŅĴŀŀĸ ӅӄӋҏё ŇĻĸ ļŁļņŇŅŌ ĹłŅ ĶłĿłĺļĶĴĿ ĴŁķ łĿļķĴŅļŇŌі based Transition (programme 217) and the General Secretariat of the Government (programme 333 –“Shared resources and decentralised administrations”). ASN’s assets on these various programmes, whether in terms of actions carried out for ASN or of credits, cannot be precisely identified owing to the overall, shared nature of these programmes; Ҋ ĹļŁĴĿĿŌё ŃňŅņňĴŁŇ Ňł ŇĻĸ ŃŅłʼnļņļłŁņ łĹ ŅŇļĶĿĸ єׇӈӌӅіӄӇׇłĹ ŇĻĸ Environment Code, “ ASN is consulted by the Government regarding the share of the State subsidy to IRSN corresponding to the technical support mission performed by this Institute on behalf of ASN ”. These ASN support credits are part of action 11 “Research in the ĹļĸĿķ łĹ Ņļņľņѣ łĹ ŃŅłĺŅĴŀŀĸ ӄӌӃ Ѣ ĸņĸĴŅĶĻ ļŁ ŇĻĸ ĹļĸĿķņ łĹ sustainable energy, development and mobility”. Ļĸ ŇłŇĴĿ ĵňķĺĸŇ ĹłŅ ӅӃӄӌׇĴŀłňŁŇĸķ ĹłŅ ļŇņ ŃĴŅŇ Ňł ҫӅӆӆєӆ ŀļĿĿļłŁё łĹ ŊĻļĶĻ ҫӋӆєӇׇŀļĿĿļłŁ ŊĸŅĸ ķĸʼnłŇĸķ Ňł ŇĻĸ provision of technical support for ASN. IRSN credits for providing ASN with technical support come in part (€41.15 million) from ŃŅłĺŅĴŀŀĸ ӄӌӃ Ҏņĸĸ Ĵĵłʼnĸҏє Ļĸ ŅĸņŇ ҎҫӇӅєӅӈ ŀļĿĿļłŁҏ ļņ ĶłʼnĸŅĸķ ĵŌ a contribution from the nuclear licensees. This contribution was ŃňŇ ļŁŇł ŃĿĴĶĸ ĵŌ ŇĻĸ ĵňķĺĸŇ ĴŀĸŁķŀĸŁŇ ĶŇ łĹ Ӆӌ ĸĶĸŀĵĸŅ ӅӃӄӃє Ł ŇłŇĴĿё ļŁ ӅӃӄӌё ŇĻĸ ŇĴŇĸѡņ ĵňķĺĸŇ ĹłŅ ŇŅĴŁņŃĴŅĸŁĶŌ ĴŁķ ŇĻĸ ŅĸĺňĿĴŇļłŁ łĹ ŁňĶĿĸĴŅ ņĴĹĸŇŌ ĴŁķ ŅĴķļĴŇļłŁ ŃŅłŇĸĶŇļłŁ ļŁ ŅĴŁĶĸ ĴŀłňŁŇĸķ Ňł ҫӅӌӊєӇӅ ŀļĿĿļłŁє As a point of comparison, the amount of taxes collected by ASN ļŁ ӅӃӄӌׇĴŀłňŁŇĸķ Ňł ҫӋӇӌєӉӆ ŀļĿĿļłŁѓ Ҋ ҫӈӊӇєӊӌׇŀļĿĿļłŁ ĹŅłŀ ŇĴŋĸņ ҎŃĴļķ ļŁŇł ŇĻĸ ŇĴŇĸѡņ ĺĸŁĸŅĴĿ budget); Ҋ ҫӄӅӉєӄӋׇŀļĿĿļłŁ ĹŅłŀ ĴķķļŇļłŁĴĿ ѢņňŃŃłŅŇѣё ѢķļņŃłņĴĿѣ ĴŁķ “research” taxes (allocated to various establishments, including Andra, municipalities and Public Interest Groupings –GIP); Ҋ ҫӄӇӋєӉӉׇŀļĿĿļłŁ ĹŅłŀ ŇĻĸ ņŃĸĶļĴĿ ĶłŁŇŅļĵňŇļłŁ ĹłŅ ŇĻĸ management of radioactive waste (allocated to Andra). This complex funding structure is detrimental to the overall clarity of the cost of regulation. It moreover leads to difficulties in terms of budgetary preparation, arbitration and implementation. TABLE 3 Breakdown of licensee contributions LICENSEE AMOUNT FOR 2019 (millions of euros) BNI TAX ADDITIONAL TAXES WASTE AND DISPOSAL SPECIAL ANDRA CONTRIBUTION CONTRIBUTION ON BEHALF OF IRSN EDF 544.78 96.67 115.92 48.42 Orano-Framatome 16.66 6.20 7.44 6.29 CEA 4.78 18.34 25.30 6.92 Andra 5.41 3.30 - 0.40 Others 3.16 1.67 - 0.71 Total 574.79 126.18 148.66 62.74 (*) ن Áǝƺ ƏȅȒɖȇɎ ƏǼǼȒƬƏɎƺƳ ɎȒ X«³z ǣɀ ƬƏȵȵƺƳ ƏɎ אהڡ ِ ژד xِ ASN Report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2019 135 ׎ ٲ א THE PRINCIPLES OF NUCLEAR SAFETY AND RADIATION PROTECTION AND THE REGULATION AND OVERSIGHT STAKEHOLDERS 02