Abstracts ASN Report 2019

• ³z ǣȇɀȵƺƬɎȒȸɀ ASN has inspectors designated and accredited by its Chairman, ļŁ ĴĶĶłŅķĴŁĶĸ ŊļŇĻ ŇĻĸ ĶłŁķļŇļłŁņ ķĸĹļŁĸķ ĵŌ ĸĶŅĸĸ ӅӃӃӊіӋӆӄׇłĹ ӄӄׇ ĴŌ ӅӃӃӊׇņĸŇŇļŁĺ ŇĻĸ ŃŅłĶĸķňŅĸņ ĹłŅ ĴŃŃłļŁŇļŁĺ ĴŁķ ĴĶĶŅĸķļŇļŁĺ nuclear safety inspectors, subject to their having acquired the requisite legal and technical skills through professional experience, mentoring or training courses. The inspectors take an oath and are bound by professional secrecy. They exercise their inspection activity under the authority of the ASN Director General and benefit from regularly updated practical aids (inspection guides, decision aids) to assist them in their inspections. As part of its continuous improvement policy, ASN encourages the exchange and integration of best practices used by other inspection organisations: ҄ by organising international exchanges of inspectors between Safety Authorities, either for the duration of one inspection or for longer periods that could extend to a secondment of up to several years. Thus, after having observed its advantages, ASN has adopted the concept of in-depth inspections described earlier. However, it did not opt for the system involving a resident inspector on a nuclear site, as ASN considers that its inspectors must work within a structure large enough to allow experience to be shared and that they must take part in checks on different licensees and facilities in order to acquire a broader view of this field of activity. This choice also allows greater clarity in the exercise of the respective responsibilities of the licensee and the inspector; ҄ by taking on inspectors trained in other inspection practices. ASN encourages the integration into its departments of inspectors from other regulatory authorities, such as the Regional Directorate for the Environment, Planning and Housing (Dreal), ANSM, Regional Health Agencies (ARS), etc. It also proposes organising joint inspections with these authorities concerning the activities within their joint field of competence; ҄ by encouraging its staff to take part in inspections on subjects in different regions and domains, notably to ensure the uniformity of its practices. Each ASN inspector in a particular region takes part in at least one inspection performed in a different region. ĴĵĿĸ ӆׇŃŅĸņĸŁŇņ ŇĻĸ ĻĸĴķĶłňŁŇ łĹ ļŁņŃĸĶŇłŅņё ŊĻļĶĻ ņŇłłķ ĴŇ ӆӅӄׇłŁ ӆӄׇ ĸĶĸŀĵĸŅ ӅӃӄӌє łŀĸ ļŁņŃĸĶŇłŅņ łŃĸŅĴŇĸ ļŁ ņĸʼnĸŅĴĿ inspection areas, and all the operational entity heads and their deputies fulfil both managerial and inspection functions. Most of the inspections are carried out by inspectors assigned to the regional divisions, who represent 55% of the ASN inspectors. Ļĸ ӄӇӈׇļŁņŃĸĶŇłŅņ ĴņņļĺŁĸķ Ňł ŇĻĸ ķĸŃĴŅŇŀĸŁŇņ ŇĴľĸ ŃĴŅŇ ļŁ inspections within their field of competence; they represent 45% of the inspector headcount and carried out 16% of inspections ļŁ ӅӃӄӌё ŊļŇĻ ŀłņŇ łĹ ŇĻĸļŅ ŊłŅľ ĵĸļŁĺ ŇĻĸ ĸŋĴŀļŁĴŇļłŁ łĹ ĹļĿĸņє As previously mentioned, ASN continuously improves the efficiency of its oversight by targeting and adopting a graded approach to its inspections according to the scale of the implications for the protection of persons and the environment. Ł ӅӃӄӌё ŇĻĸ ļŁņŃĸĶŇłŅņ ĶĴŅŅļĸķ łňŇ Ĵ ŇłŇĴĿ łĹ ӄёӋӄӊׇļŁņŃĸĶі ŇļłŁņё ŅĸŃŅĸņĸŁŇļŁĺ ӇёӅӊӇׇļŁņŃĸĶŇļłŁ ķĴŌņ ļŁ ŇĻĸ ĹļĸĿķё ĵŅłľĸŁ down as shown in Table 4. The inspection work carried out by the ASN inspectors is not adequately reflected simply by the number of inspections performed and the number of inspection days (a day spent on an inspection by one inspector represents ӄׇļŁņŃĸĶŇłŅєķĴŌҏє • ³z ǣȇɀȵƺƬɎǣȒȇɀ ȵȸȒǕȸƏȅȅƺ To guarantee a distribution of the inspection resources proportionate to the safety and radiation protection implications of the various facilities and activities, ASN drafts a forecast inspections schedule every year, taking account of the inspection implications (see point 3.1). This schedule is not communicated to the licensees or to those in charge of nuclear activities. ASN monitors the performance of the programme and the follow-up given to the inspections, through periodic reviews. This enables the inspected activities to be assessed and contributes to the continuous improvement of the inspection process. • XȇǔȒȸȅƏɎǣȒȇ ȸƺǼƏɎǣɮƺ ɎȒ Ɏǝƺ ǣȇɀȵƺƬɎǣȒȇɀ ASN informs the public of the follow-up to the inspections by posting the inspection follow-up letters online at asn.fr . Moreover, for each in-depth inspection, ASN publishes an information notice on asn.fr . TABLE 3 Breakdown of inspectors per inspection domain (as at 31 December 2019) INSPECTOR CATEGORIES DEPARTMENTS DIVISIONS TOTAL Nuclear safety inspector (BNI) 117 121 238 of which nuclear safety inspectors for transport 16 49 65 Radiation protection inspector 40 108 148 Labour inspector 2 11 13 Number of inspectors all domains 145 176 321 TABLE 4 Number of inspection days per field BASIC NUCLEAR Xz³Á nn ÁX…z ٨ zX٩ ٨0æ!nÈ(XzJ ¨«0³³È«0 0ªÈX¨x0zÁ٩ PRESSURE EQUIPMENT TRANSPORT OF RADIOACTIVE SUBSTANCES ³x nn ٳ ³! n0 NUCLEAR ACTIVITIES APPROVED ORGANISATIONS AND LABORATORIES TOTAL 2,019 264 141 1,641 209 4,274 ASN Report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2019 145 03 ׎ ٲ ב REGULATION OF NUCLEAR ACTIVITIES AND EXPOSURE TO IONISING RADIATION