Abstracts ASN Report 2019

topical subjects, notably the distribution of iodine tablets and the decommissioning of fast neutron reactors. Several site visits were made over the course of the following days –Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) installation under construction, LECA-STAR laboratory at CEA Cadarache and the Phénix reactor currently being decommissioned. Ņłŀ ӅӄׇŇł Ӆӈׇ ĶŇłĵĸŅ ӅӃӄӌ , the Lyon regional division welcomed a delegation of NRA inspectors to address post- ňľňņĻļŀĴ ĴŁķ ӇŇĻ ŃĸŅļłķļĶ ņĴĹĸŇŌ ŅĸʼnļĸŊ ņňĵĽĸĶŇņё ŊļŇĻ Ĵ ʼnļņļŇ Ňł ŇĻĸ ņ łĹ ňĺĸŌ ĴŁķ ŅļĶĴņŇļŁё Ĵņ ŊĸĿĿ Ĵņ ŇĻĸ ŅĴŁł ĻļĿļŃŃĸ łņŇĸ ĴŁķ ĸłŅĺĸņ ĸņņĸ ӅׇŃĿĴŁŇņє ASN also received a large number of Japanese delegations in Paris and in the regions, under technical or university exchanges. In early September 2019 , a trilateral technical meeting of ĴŃĴŁĸņĸё ŅļŇļņĻ ĴŁķ ŅĸŁĶĻ ņŃĸĶļĴĿļņŇņ ĹŅłŀ ŇĻĸ ŅĸņŃĸĶŇļʼnĸ ņĴĹĸŇŌ regulators was held on the subject of the decommissioning of fuel cycle facilities. nɖɴƺȅƫȒɖȸǕ Ļĸ ŅĴŁĶłі ňŋĸŀĵłňŅĺ ĽłļŁŇ ĶłŀŀļņņļłŁ łŁ ŁňĶĿĸĴŅ ņĴĹĸŇŌ held its 16th meeting on Ӈׇ ŃŅļĿ ӅӃӄӌ ׇļŁ ňŋĸŀĵłňŅĺє Ļĸ Commission consists of the national and Prefect level competent ĴňŇĻłŅļŇļĸņ ĴŁķ ŇĻĸ ļŁļņŇŅļĸņ łĹ łŅĸļĺŁ ĹĹĴļŅņє Ň ķļņĶňņņĸķ recent developments in the two countries on the subjects of ŁňĶĿĸĴŅ ņĴĹĸŇŌ ĴŁķ ŅĴķļĴŇļłŁ ŃŅłŇĸĶŇļłŁё ļŁĶĿňķļŁĺ ŇĻĸ ӅӃӄӋׇŅĸņňĿŇņ from the Cattenom NPP, implementation of the TECV Act, regulatory changes and the transposition of the Basic Safety Standards Directive (see point 2.5), the periodic safety reviews łĹ ŇĻĸ ŅĸŁĶĻ ņ ĴŁķ ŃŅĸŃĴŅĸķŁĸņņ ĹłŅ ĴŁķ ŀĴŁĴĺĸŀĸŁŇ łĹ emergency situations. zȒȸɯƏɵ Ł Ӈׇ ŃŅļĿ ӅӃӄӌ , ASN made a presentation to the Norwegian ņĴĹĸŇŌ ŅĸĺňĿĴŇłŅ Ҏ ҏ łĹ ŅĸŁĶĻ ŅĸĺňĿĴŇłŅŌ ĴņŃĸĶŇņ ĶłŁĶĸŅŁļŁĺ ķĸĶłŀŀļņņļłŁļŁĺё ĴĿłŁĺ ŊļŇĻ ŇĻĸ ŅĸŁĶĻ ķłĶŇŅļŁĸ łĹ decommissioning as rapidly as possible after shutdown of the facilities. ASN then accompanied the regulator to the Saclay site of the Commission for Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Ҏ ҏё ŊĻĸŅĸ ŇĻĸŌ ʼnļņļŇĸķ ŇĻĸ ѢņłĿļķ ŊĴņŇĸ ŀĴŁĴĺĸŀĸŁŇ ōłŁĸѣ (ZGDS) currently undergoing decommissioning and the Osiris reactor, which is being prepared for decommissioning following its final shutdown in 2015. These visits gave the Norwegian regulator a tangible and practical illustration of some of the problems associated with the various steps in decommissioning: more specifically, the DSA stated that it was particularly interested in the development of tools for waste retrieval and packaging. ÈȇǣɎƺƳ kǣȇǕƳȒȅ In February 2019 , a delegation from ASN and the Defence Nuclear Safety Authority (ASND) went to Sellafield and met the decommissioning heads at the ONR, while ASN also met the government agency in charge of decommissioning nuclear facilities, the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA). These discussions continued in June with a visit by the ONR to the Ĵׇ Ĵĺňĸ ŅĸŃŅłĶĸņņļŁĺ ĹĴĶļĿļŇļĸņё ŊĻļĶĻ ļŁĶĿňķĸķ ĴŁ ļŁņŃĸĶŇļłŁє ļŁĴĿĿŌё ĴŁ ķĸĿĸĺĴŇļłŁ ŊĴņ ĴĵĿĸ Ňł ŇĴľĸ ŃĴŅŇ ļŁ ĴŁ ĸŋĸŅĶļņĸ ĵŌ ѡņ ŁňĶĿĸĴŅ ŅĴŃļķ ļŁŇĸŅʼnĸŁŇļłŁ ĹłŅĶĸ łŁ ŇĻĸ ĸ ĿĴŌĴļņ in November . «ɖɀɀǣƏ Under the terms of the bilateral cooperation with the Russian safety regulator ( Rostechnadzor ), a fuel cycle facilities safety workshop was held in Moscow on Ӆӊׇ ĴŌ ӅӃӄӌ . The ASN delegation held discussions with the Russian specialists from Rostechnadzor and its technical support organisation, SEC-NRS, on subjects related to the oversight and licensing of fuel cycle facilities and decommissioning. The meeting was followed over the course of the next few days by visits to facilities on the sites of the “mining and chemical combinat” and the “electrochemical plant” in the Krasnoyarsk region of Siberia. This was the third workshop of this type on the topic of fuel cycle facilities since 2017. Large amounts of information about the facilities and Russian oversight practices were collected. Owing to the similarity ĵĸŇŊĸĸŁ ŇĻĸ ŅĸŁĶĻ ĴŁķ ňņņļĴŁ ŁňĶĿĸĴŅ ĿĴŁķņĶĴŃĸņё Rostechnadzor remains a major ASN partner and the two parties agree on the importance of this type of cooperation. ³ɯƺƳƺȇ The annual meeting between ASN and its Swedish counterpart, SSM, was held at ASN headquarters on ӄӋׇ ĶŇłĵĸŅ ӅӃӄӌ . The Swedish delegation was headed by the new Director General łĹ ё ņ ļŁĴ ŅłŀŁļĸŅё ĴŃŃłļŁŇĸķ ļŁ ňŁĸ ӅӃӄӌє Ļĸ ŇŊł authorities discussed their respective national and regulatory topical matters: management of decommissioning (including final shutdown of PWR reactors), periodic safety review beyond ӇӃׇŌĸĴŅņё ŁĸŊ ōłŁļŁĺ ŅňĿĸņ ĴŁķ ķļņŇŅļĵňŇļłŁ łĹ ļłķļŁĸ ĴŅłňŁķ ŇĻĸ facilities, deep geological disposal of ultimate nuclear waste, technical meetings and cross inspections. This meeting was also an opportunity for in-depth discussions on the physical phenomena involved in the clogging of nuclear reactor sumps. ļŁĴĿĿŌё ŇĻĸ ĴĺŅĸĸŀĸŁŇ ĵĸŇŊĸĸŁ ĴŁķ ņļĺŁĸķ ļŁ ӅӃӄӋׇŊĴņ confirmed: its roadmap was extended for a further year. ³z ƳƺǼƺǕƏɎǣȒȇ Ȓȇ Ɏǝƺ ɀȵƺȇɎ ǔɖƺǼ ƳǣɀȵȒɀƏǼ ɀǣɎƺ ƏɎ דגٮ ׎ȅ ٢IǣȇǼƏȇƳ٣ ٫ژ December 2019 Signing of the MoU on cooperation and the exchange of ǣȇǔȒȸȅƏɎǣȒȇ ƫƺɎɯƺƺȇ ³z ƏȇƳ !!³z ٫ ƺȸȇƏȸƳ (ȒȸȒɀɿƬɿɖǸً ASN Chairman and Rumina Velshi, his CCSN counterpart, ƏɎ X 0 ٫ ³ƺȵɎƺȅƫƺȸ א ׎׏ ח ASN Report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2019 195 ׎ ٲ ה INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS 06