Abstracts ASN Report 2019

ĴׇķłĶňŀĸŁŇ Ňł ĻĸĿŃ ķļŅĸĶŇ ŇĻĸ ĴĶŇļłŁņ łĹ ŇĻĸ ĸŀĸŅĺĸŁĶŌ ņĸŅʼnļĶĸņє It contains general information about radioactivity, general recommendations for the emergency services so that their response can take account of the specific nature of radioactive substance transports, plus sheets organised per type of substance, providing more detailed information and advice for the emergency response coordinator during phase 2. א ِ ה «ƺǕɖǼƏɎǣȒȇɀ ǕȒɮƺȸȇǣȇǕ Ɏǝƺ ɎȸƏȇɀȵȒȸɎ ȒȵƺȸƏɎǣȒȇɀ ɯǣɎǝǣȇ Ɏǝƺ ȵƺȸǣȅƺɎƺȸ Ȓǔ ȇɖƬǼƺƏȸ ǔƏƬǣǼǣɎǣƺɀ Dangerous goods transport operations can take place on the private roads of nuclear sites, in what are referred to as “on-site transport operations”. Such operations are not subject to the regulations governing the transport of dangerous goods, which only apply on public roads. However, these operations present the same risks and detrimental effects as those in the public domain. The safety of these transport operations must thus be overseen with the same rigour as for any other risk or detrimental effect generated by operation of the BNI. Ļļņ ļņ ŊĻŌё ņļŁĶĸ ӄׇ ňĿŌ ӅӃӄӆё ŇĻĸ łŁіņļŇĸ ŇŅĴŁņŃłŅŇ łĹ ķĴŁĺĸŅłňņ goods has been subject to the requirements of the Order of ӊׇ ĸĵŅňĴŅŌ ӅӃӄӅׇņĸŇŇļŁĺ łňŇ ŇĻĸ ĺĸŁĸŅĴĿ ŅňĿĸņ ĴŃŃĿļĶĴĵĿĸ Ňł BNIs. This Order requires that on-site transport operations be incorporated into the safety baseline requirements for BNIs. The Environment Code, supplemented by ASN resolution ӅӃӄӊі іӃӉӄӉ łĹ ӆӃׇ łʼnĸŀĵĸŅ ӅӃӄӊё ķĸĹļŁĸņ ŇĻĸ łŁіņļŇĸ ŇŅĴŁņŃłŅŇ operations for which authorisation must be requested from є Ł ĴķķļŇļłŁё ļŁ ӅӃӄӊё ŃňĵĿļņĻĸķ ňļķĸ łє ӆӇׇŃŅłʼnļķļŁĺ the licensees with recommendations for implementing the regulatory requirements concerning on-site transport operations. Ł ӅӃӄӌё ĸŋĴŀļŁĸķ łŁіņļŇĸ ŇŅĴŁņŃłŅŇ ĴňŇĻłŅļņĴŇļłŁ ĴŃŃĿļĶĴŇļłŁņ ĹłŅ ё ё ŅĴŁł ŅļĶĴņŇļŁ ĴŁķ ŅĴŁł Ĵ Ĵĺňĸє In 2020, ASN will examine authorisation applications to improve the robustness of certain on-site transport systems used by Orano La Hague. ļŁĴĿĿŌё ļŁ ӅӃӅӃё ŊļĿĿ ĸŋŇĸŁķ ŇĻĸ łŁіĿļŁĸ ŁłŇļĹļĶĴŇļłŁ and on-line transmission functions to deal with requests for noteworthy changes to on-site transports as set out in Articles є ӈӌӆіӈӌׇĴŁķ є ӈӌӆіӈӉׇłĹ ŇĻĸ ŁʼnļŅłŁŀĸŁŇ łķĸє ׬٫ ڲ Roles and responsibilities in regulating the transport of radioactive substances ב ِ׏ «ƺǕɖǼƏɎǣȒȇ Ȓǔ ȇɖƬǼƺƏȸ ɀƏǔƺɎɵ ƏȇƳ ȸƏƳǣƏɎǣȒȇ ȵȸȒɎƺƬɎǣȒȇ Ł ŅĴŁĶĸё ĻĴņ ĵĸĸŁ ŅĸņŃłŁņļĵĿĸ ĹłŅ ŅĸĺňĿĴŇļŁĺ ŇĻĸ ņĴĹĸŇŌ ĴŁķ the radiation protection of transports of radioactive substance for ĶļʼnļĿ ňņĸņ ņļŁĶĸ ӄӌӌӊё ŊĻļĿĸ ŇĻĸ ĸĹĸŁĶĸ ňĶĿĸĴŅ ĴĹĸŇŌ ňŇĻłŅļŇŌ (ASND) fulfils this role for transports relating to national defence. Within its field of competence, ASN is responsible, in terms of safety and radiation protection, for the regulation and oversight of all steps in the life of a package: design, manufacture, maintenance, shipment, actual carriage, receipt and so on. ב ِ א ¨ȸȒɎƺƬɎǣȒȇ ƏǕƏǣȇɀɎ ȅƏǼǣƬǣȒɖɀ ƏƬɎɀ The prevention of malicious acts consists in preventing sabotage, losses, disappearance, theft and misappropriation of nuclear ŀĴŇĸŅļĴĿņ ҎĴņ ķĸĹļŁĸķ ļŁ ŅŇļĶĿĸ ҚєӄӇӄӄіӄӄіӄӌׇłĹ ŇĻĸ ĸĹĸŁĶĸ Code) that could be used to manufacture weapons. The Defence ĴŁķ ĸĶňŅļŇŌ ļĺĻ ĹĹļĶļĴĿ Ҏ ҏё ňŁķĸŅ ŇĻĸ ļŁļņŇĸŅ ŅĸņŃłŁņļĵĿĸ for energy, is the Regulatory Authority responsible for preventing malicious acts targeting nuclear materials. In the field of transport security, the IRSN Transport Operations Section (EOT) is responsible for managing and processing applications for approval of nuclear material shipments, for supervising these transports and for notifying the authorities of any alerts concerning them. This security duty is defined by the ŅķĸŅ łĹ ӄӋׇ ňĺňņŇ ӅӃӄӃׇŅĸĿĴŇļʼnĸ Ňł ŇĻĸ ŃŅłŇĸĶŇļłŁ ĴŁķ ŅĸĺňĿĴŇļłŁ of nuclear materials during transport. Thus, prior to any transport operation, the Defence Code obliges the carriers to obtain a transport authorisation. The EOT reviews the corresponding application files. This review consists in checking the conformity of the intended provisions with the requirements defined by the ĸĹĸŁĶĸ łķĸ ĴŁķ ŇĻĸ ĴĵłʼnĸіŀĸŁŇļłŁĸķ ŅķĸŅ łĹ ӄӋׇ ňĺňņŇ ӅӃӄӃє ASN has initiated the process to update its resolution 2015-DC- ӃӈӃӆ łĹ ӄӅׇ ĴŅĶĻ ӅӃӄӈׇŅĸĿĴŇļʼnĸ Ňł ŇĻĸ ŁłŇļĹļĶĴŇļłŁ ņŌņŇĸŀ ĹłŅ ĶłŀŃĴŁļĸņ ŇŅĴŁņŃłŅŇļŁĺ ŅĴķļłĴĶŇļʼnĸ ņňĵņŇĴŁĶĸņ łŁ ŅĸŁĶĻ ņłļĿє This update aims to introduce an authorisation system for the transport of the most radioactive sources, in the light of their safety and security implications. Ł ӅӃӄӌё ĻĸĿķ Ĵ ŃňĵĿļĶ ĶłŁņňĿŇĴŇļłŁ łŁ ŇĻĸ łŅļĸŁŇĴŇļłŁņ ļŇ ŊĴņ planning to adopt for this update. In 2020, ASN will complete this update, notably focusing on the interface between the provisions set by the new regulations on the protection of ionising radiation sources and batches of category A, B, C and D radioactive sources ĴĺĴļŁņŇ ŀĴĿļĶļłňņ ĴĶŇņ Ҏ ŅķĸŅ łĹ Ӆӌׇ łʼnĸŀĵĸŅ ӅӃӄӌҏ ĴŁķ ŇĻĸ transport regulations. ב ِ ב «ƺǕɖǼƏɎǣȒȇ Ȓǔ Ɏǝƺ ɎȸƏȇɀȵȒȸɎ Ȓǔ ƳƏȇǕƺȸȒɖɀ ǕȒȒƳɀ Regulation of the transport of dangerous goods is the respons- ibility of the Dangerous Materials Transport Commission (MTMD) of the Ministry responsible for the environment. This entity is tasked with ensuring the measures relative to the safe ŇŅĴŁņŃłŅŇ łĹ ķĴŁĺĸŅłňņ ĺłłķņ łŇĻĸŅ ŇĻĴŁ ĶĿĴņņ ӊׇҎŅĴķļłĴĶŇļʼnĸҏ Radiological measurement of an industrial package prior to shipment ASN Report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2019 265 ׎ ٲ ח TRANSPORT OF RADIOACTIVE SUBSTANCES 09