Abstracts ASN Report 2019

GRAPH 2 Breakdown of number of approvals according to type, in 2019 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Special arrangement Extension New approval Prolongation Validation GRAPH 3 Breakdown of number of approvals according to content transported, in 2019 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Spent fuel UF ר Uranium or plutonium powders New fuel (except MOX) Waste Sources MOX fuel TABLE 3 Administrations responsible for regulating the mode of transport and the package MODE OF TRANSPORT REGULATION OF MODE OF TRANSPORT PACKAGE REGULATION Sea Directorate General for Infrastructures, Transports and the Sea (DGITM) at the Ministry for the Environment. In particular, the DGITM is responsible for regulating compliance with the prescriptions applicable to ships and contained in the International Code for the Safe Carriage of irradiated nuclear fuel, plutonium and high-level radioactive wastes on board ships (“Irradiated Nuclear Fuel” Code). The DGITM has competence for regulation of dangerous goods packages in general and is in close collaboration with ASN for radioactive substances packages. Road, rail, inland waterways General Directorate for Energy and Climate (DGEC) of the Ministry for the Environment. The General Directorate for the Prevention of Risks (DGPR) is responsible for regulation of packages of dangerous goods in general and, in close collaboration with ASN, of packages of radioactive substances. Air General Directorate for Civil Aviation (DGAC) at the Ministry for the Environment. The DGAC has competence for regulation of dangerous goods packages in general and, in close collaboration with ASN, of radioactive substances packages. ASN Report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2019 267 ׎ ٲ ח TRANSPORT OF RADIOACTIVE SUBSTANCES 09