Abstracts ASN Report 2019

ג ِ ג !ȒȇɎȸǣƫɖɎǣȇǕ ɎȒ ȵɖƫǼǣƬ ǣȇǔȒȸȅƏɎǣȒȇ ŅķļŁĴŁĶĸ ӅӃӄӅіӉׇłĹ ӈׇ ĴŁňĴŅŌ ӅӃӄӅё ŀłķļĹŌļŁĺ łłľņ ĴŁķ of the Environment Code, extends the obligations for public information to any persons responsible for nuclear activities. ŅŇļĶĿĸ є ӄӅӈіӄӃׇłĹ ŇĻĸ ŁʼnļŅłŁŀĸŁŇ łķĸ ņĸŇņ ŇĻĸ ŇĻŅĸņĻłĿķņ beyond which the person responsible for transport must ĶłŀŀňŁļĶĴŇĸ ŇĻĸ ļŁĹłŅŀĴŇļłŁ ŅĸńňĸņŇĸķ ĵŌ Ĵ ĶļŇļōĸŁє Ļĸ thresholds are defined as being those “ above which, in application of the international conventions and regulations governing the transport of dangerous goods, of the Code of Transport and of their implementing texts, the transport of radioactive substances is subject to the issuance –by ASN or by a foreign Authority competent in the field of radioactive substance transport– of an approval of the transport package design or a shipment approval, including under special arrangement ”. Any ĶļŇļōĸŁ ĶĴŁ ŇĻĸŅĸĹłŅĸ ŁłŊ Ĵņľ ŇĻĸ ŃĸŅņłŁņ ļŁ ĶĻĴŅĺĸ łĹ ŇŅĴŁņŃłŅŇ for information on the risks presented by the transport operations referred to in the Decree. On asn.fr , ASN also provides an information file presenting the transport of radioactive substances. ג ِ ד ¨ƏȸɎǣƬǣȵƏɎǣȒȇ ǣȇ ǣȇɎƺȸȇƏɎǣȒȇƏǼ ȸƺǼƏɎǣȒȇɀ ǣȇ Ɏǝƺ ɎȸƏȇɀȵȒȸɎ ɀƺƬɎȒȸ International regulations are drafted and implemented as a result of fruitful exchanges between countries. ASN includes these exchanges as part of a process of continuous improvement in the level of safety of radioactive substance transports, and encourages exchanges with its counterparts in other States. ג ِ ד ِ׏ áȒȸǸ Ȓǔ Ɏǝƺ 0ɖȸȒȵƺƏȇ ɀɀȒƬǣƏɎǣȒȇ Ȓǔ !ȒȅȵƺɎƺȇɎ ɖɎǝȒȸǣɎǣƺɀ Ȓȇ ɎȸƏȇɀȵȒȸɎ A European Association of Competent Authorities on the Transport of Radioactive Material (EACA) was created in ĸĶĸŀĵĸŅ ӅӃӃӋє Ňņ ŃňŅŃłņĸ ļņ Ňł ŃŅłŀłŇĸ ŇĻĸ ĻĴŅŀłŁļņĴŇļłŁ łĹ practices in the regulation of the safety of transport of radioactive substances, and to encourage exchanges and experience feedback ĵĸŇŊĸĸŁ ŇĻĸ ʼnĴŅļłňņ ňŇĻłŅļŇļĸņє ŅĴŁĶĸё ŊĻļĶĻ ļŁļŇļĴŇĸķ ŇĻĸ creation of this association, plays an active part in its work, including by presenting its views on the regulatory changes that may be needed, in particular on the occasion of the association’s annual meeting. ג ِ ד ِ א ǣǼƏɎƺȸƏǼ ȸƺǼƏɎǣȒȇɀ ɯǣɎǝ ³z ټ ɀ ǔȒȸƺǣǕȇ ƬȒɖȇɎƺȸȵƏȸɎɀ ASN devotes considerable efforts to maintaining close ties with the competent authorities of the countries concerned by the ŁňŀĸŅłňņ ņĻļŃŀĸŁŇņ Ňł ĴŁķ ĹŅłŀ ŅĴŁĶĸє ŅłŀļŁĸŁŇ ĴŀłŁĺ ŇĻĸņĸ ĴŅĸ ĸŅŀĴŁŌё ĸĿĺļňŀё ŇĻĸ ŁļŇĸķ ļŁĺķłŀ ĴŁķ ŊļŇōĸŅĿĴŁķє • JƺȸȅƏȇɵ Ł ӅӃӄӉё ŇĻĸ ŅĸŁĶĻ ĴŁķ ĸŅŀĴŁ ňŇĻłŅļŇļĸņ ķĸĶļķĸķ Ňł ŀĸĸŇ regularly to discuss a range of technical subjects. ASN also ŃĴŅŇļĶļŃĴŇĸņ ļŁ ŇŊł ŅĴŁĶłі ĸŅŀĴŁ ŇĸĶĻŁļĶĴĿ ĶłŀŀļŇŇĸĸņ concerning the programme for returning German spent nuclear fuel reprocessing waste. A new package is currently being designed in Germany for the transport of compacted radioactive waste. The German safety regulator thus informs ASN of the progress being made in the technical review of the approval application. Once issued, the approval certificate will have to be validated by ASN so that the package model can be used in ŅĴŁĶĸє • ƺǼǕǣɖȅ Ł ŅĸĿĴŇļłŁ Ňł ŁňĶĿĸĴŅ ŃłŊĸŅ ŃĿĴŁŇņ ļŁ ĸĿĺļňŀё ŅĸŁĶĻіķĸņļĺŁĸķ packagings are sometimes used for fuel cycle shipments. In order to harmonise practices and achieve progress in the safety of these shipments, ASN and the competent Belgian Authority –Belgian ĸķĸŅĴĿ ňĶĿĸĴŅ ĸĺňĿĴŇļŁĺ ĺĸŁĶŌ Ҏ ҏ҂ ŅĸĺňĿĴŅĿŌ ĸŋĶĻĴŁĺĸ know-how and experience. The exchanges more particularly ĶłŁĶĸŅŁ ŇĻĸ ŅĸʼnļĸŊ łĹ ņĴĹĸŇŌ ĶĴņĸņ ĹłŅ ŅĸŁĶĻ ŃĴĶľĴĺĸ ŀłķĸĿņ ĹłŅ which approval is validated in Belgium and inspection practices ļŁ ĸĴĶĻ ĶłňŁŇŅŌє Ł ӅӃӄӌё ŇĻĸ ĸĿĺļĴŁ ĴŁķ ŅĸŁĶĻ ňŇĻłŅļŇļĸņ ĶłŁķňĶŇĸķ ŇŊł ĽłļŁŇ ļŁņŃĸĶŇļłŁņё łŁĸ ĴŇ Ĵ ĶĴŅŅļĸŅ ļŁ ŅĴŁĶĸ ĴŁķ the other in Belgium, in a plant manufacturing ASN-approved packagings. • ÈȇǣɎƺƳ kǣȇǕƳȒȅ ASN and the British regulator –Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR)– share many subjects of interest, especially with regard to validation of English approvals by ASN and vice-versa. Bilateral contacts are held regularly to ensure good communications ĵĸŇŊĸĸŁ ŇĻĸņĸ ŇŊł ňŇĻłŅļŇļĸņє Ł ӅӃӄӌё ŃŅļłŅ Ňł ŅĸŁĶĻ ʼnĴĿļķĴŇļłŁ of the English approval certificate, a joint inspection was held ļŁ ŋĹłŅķ łŁ ŇĻĸ ŀĴŁňĹĴĶŇňŅļŁĺ łĹ ŇĻĸ ŁĺĿļņĻ ĴĹľĸĺ ӅӋӄӉ package. • ³ɯǣɎɿƺȸǼƏȇƳ In 2012, ASN began bilateral exchange on transports with the Ŋļņņ ĸķĸŅĴĿ ňĶĿĸĴŅ ĴĹĸŇŌ ŁņŃĸĶŇłŅĴŇĸ ҂ĶĴĿĿĸķ Eidgenössisches Nuklearsicherheitsinspektorat, ļŁ ĸŅŀĴŁ Ҏ ҏє ļŁĶĸ ŇĻĸŁё ĴŁķ ĻĴʼnĸ ŀĸŇ ĴŁŁňĴĿĿŌ ļŁ łŅķĸŅ Ňł ķļņĶňņņ ŇĻĸ packaging model safety cases and the checks on the requirements ĴņņłĶļĴŇĸķ ŊļŇĻ ŇĻĸ ĶłŅŅĸĶŇ ňŇļĿļōĴŇļłŁ łĹ ŇĻĸņĸ ŇŅĴŁņŃłŅŇ ŃĴĶľĴĺĸņє Ł ӅӃӄӌё ŇĻĸņĸ ĴňŇĻłŅļŇļĸņ ļŁņŃĸĶŇĸķ ĴŁ łŃĸŅĴŇļłŁ Ňł Ņĸŀłʼnĸ ŊĴņŇĸ from the Leibstadt (KKL) NPP using a packaging of German design. 274 ASN Report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2019 ׎ ٲ ח TRANSPORT OF RADIOACTIVE SUBSTANCES