Abstracts ASN Report 2019

҄ ŇĻĸ ӈׇĹĴĶļĿļŇŌ Ҏ ׇӄӈӈҏ ĹłŅ ĶłŁʼnĸŅņļłŁ łĹ ňŅĴŁŌĿ ŁļŇŅĴŇĸ UO 2 ׇҎ 3 ) 2 ׇŃŅłķňĶĸķ ĵŌ ŅĸŃŅłĶĸņņļŁĺ ņŃĸŁŇ ĹňĸĿ ĴŇ Ĵ Ĵĺňĸ into uranium sesquioxide (U 3 O Ӌ ); ҄ the W plant –Installation Classified for Protection of the ŁʼnļŅłŁŀĸŁŇ Ҏ ҏ ŊļŇĻļŁ ŇĻĸ ŃĸŅļŀĸŇĸŅ łĹ ׇӄӈӈ҂ ĹłŅ ĶłŁʼnĸŅŇļŁĺ ķĸŃĿĸŇĸķ 6 ׇļŁŇł 3 O Ӌ ; ҄ areas for the storage of uranium and thorium in various forms Ҏ ׇӌӆё ӄӊӋׇĴŁķ ӄӊӌҏђ ҄ ŇĻĸ ŇĿĴņ ĴŁĴĿŌņļņ ĿĴĵłŅĴŇłŅŌ Ҏ ׇӄӊӉҏђ ҄ Ĵ ĸĹĸŁĶĸ ĴņļĶ ňĶĿĸĴŅ ŁņŇĴĿĿĴŇļłŁׇҎ ҏ ŊĻļĶĻ ŀłŅĸ particularly operates the radioactive substances storage areas, virtually all of which are for civil uses; ҄ ŇĻĸ łĶĴŇŅļ ĹĴĶļĿļŇŌ Ҏ ׇӄӆӋҏ ŊĻļĶĻ ŀĴŁĴĺĸņ ŊĴņŇĸ ĹŅłŀ ŇĻĸ Tricastin site and carries out nuclear equipment maintenance and decommissioning. • Áǝƺ ÁÈ ژד ǔƏƬǣǼǣɎɵ ƏȇƳ Ɏǝƺ…ȸƏȇȒ !ɵƬǼƺ á ȵǼƏȇɎ ٫ zX ژ ׏ דד ׇӄӈӈё ĶĴĿĿĸķ ӈё ĶĴŁ ĻĴŁķĿĸ ňŃ Ňł ӅёӃӃӃׇŇłŁŁĸņ łĹ ňŅĴŁļňŀ per year, which enables all the uranyl nitrate (UO 2 (NO 3 ) 2 ) from the Orano Cycle plant in La Hague to be processed for conversion into U 3 O Ӌ ׇҎĴ ņŇĴĵĿĸ ņłĿļķ ĶłŀŃłňŁķ ŇĻĴŇ ĶĴŁ ĺňĴŅĴŁŇĸĸ ņŇłŅĴĺĸ of the uranium under safer conditions than in liquid or gaseous form). Once converted, the uranium from reprocessing is placed in storage on the Tricastin site. • Áǝƺ…ȸƏȇȒ !ɵƬǼƺ ɖȸƏȇǣɖȅ ƬȒȇɮƺȸɀǣȒȇ ȵǼƏȇɎɀ ٫ zX ژ ׏׎ ד ׇӄӃӈё ŊĻļĶĻ ŁłŇĴĵĿŌ ŇŅĴŁņĹłŅŀĸķ ŅĸŃŅłĶĸņņĸķ ňŅĴŁŌĿ ŁļŇŅĴŇĸ ļŁŇł 4 ׇłŅ 3 O Ӌ , is being decommissioned (see chapter 13). Controlled facilities classified as ICPEs are included within its ŃĸŅļŀĸŇĸŅ ĴŁķ ķĸķļĶĴŇĸķ Ňł ŇĻĸ ĹĿňłŅļŁĴŇļłŁ łĹ 4 ׇļŁŇł 6 , so that it can be subsequently enriched in the GB II plant. Each year, ŇĻĸŌ ŃŅłķňĶĸ ĴĵłňŇ ӄӇёӃӃӃׇŇłŁŁĸņ łĹ 6 ׇĹŅłŀ ŇĻĸ 4 ׇĶłŀļŁĺ from the Orano Cycle facility in Malvési. Their status is that of ĴŁ ņňĵĽĸĶŇ Ňł ĿļĶĸŁņļŁĺ ŊļŇĻ ļŁņŇļŇňŇļłŁĴĿ ĶłŁŇŅłĿņ ҎѢ ĸʼnĸņłѣ installations) and they are subject to the system of financial guarantees for ensuring the safety of the installations and, finally, to Directive 2010/75/UE of the European Parliament and Council łĹ ӅӇׇ łʼnĸŀĵĸŅ ӅӃӄӃё ľŁłŊŁ Ĵņ ŇĻĸ Ѣ ļŅĸĶŇļʼnĸѣ łŁ ļŁķňņŇŅļĴĿ emissions (integrated pollution prevention and reduction). • Áǝƺ JƺȒȸǕƺɀ ƺɀɀƺ XX ǕƏɀ ƬƺȇɎȸǣǔɖǕƺ ƺȇȸǣƬǝȅƺȇɎ ȵǼƏȇɎ ٫ zX ژ ׏ זה ׇӄӉӋё ĶĴĿĿĸķ ĸłŅĺĸņ ĸņņĸ Ҏ ҏё ĿļĶĸŁņĸķ ļŁ ӅӃӃӊё ļņ Ĵ plant enriching uranium by means of gas centrifugation. This ŃŅłĶĸņņ ļŁʼnłĿʼnĸņ ļŁĽĸĶŇļŁĺ 6 ׇļŁŇł Ĵ ĶŌĿļŁķŅļĶĴĿ ʼnĸņņĸĿ ŅłŇĴŇļŁĺ at very high speed. Under the effect of centrifugal force, the ĻĸĴʼnļĸŅ ŀłĿĸĶňĿĸņ ҎĶłŁŇĴļŁļŁĺ ňŅĴŁļňŀіӅӆӋҏ ĴŅĸ ņĸŃĴŅĴŇĸķ ĹŅłŀ the lighter ones (containing uranium-235). By combining several centrifuges, creating a cascade, it is then possible to recover a ņŇŅĸĴŀ ĸŁŅļĶĻĸķ ŊļŇĻ ĹļņņļĿĸ іӅӆӈׇļņłŇłŃĸ ĴŁķ Ĵ ķĸŃĿĸŇĸķ ņŇŅĸĴŀє GB II comprises two enrichment units (South and North units) and a support unit, the REC II. Ň ŇĻĸ ĵĸĺļŁŁļŁĺ łĹ ӅӃӃӌё ĴňŇĻłŅļņĸķ ĶłŀŀļņņļłŁļŁĺ łĹ ŇĻĸ łňŇĻ ňŁļŇё ĶłŀŃŅļņļŁĺ ĸļĺĻŇ ŀłķňĿĸņё ĹłĿĿłŊĸķ ļŁ ӅӃӄӆׇĵŌ ŇĻĸ North unit, comprising six modules, the first two of which are designed to enrich the uranium from spent fuel reprocessing. ASN authorised commissioning of the support unit in 2014. Enrichment of the uranium resulting from reprocessing, requiring prior authorisation from ASN, has never been implemented. • Áǝƺ ɎǼƏɀ ǔƏƬǣǼǣɎɵ ٫ zX ژ ׏ הו The purpose of the Atlas facility is: ҄ to carry out industrial physico-chemical and radio-chemical analyses; ҄ to monitor liquid and atmospheric discharges and monitor the environment of the Tricastin facilities. The Atlas facility, which complies with the most recent safety ŅĸńňļŅĸŀĸŁŇņё ļņ ŅłĵňņŇ Ňł ĸŋŇĸŅŁĴĿ ĻĴōĴŅķņє ĴňŇĻłŅļņĸķ ļŇņ ĶłŀŀļņņļłŁļŁĺ łŁ ӊׇ ĴŅĶĻ ӅӃӄӊє Enriched uranium Spent MOX fuels 110 t. Plutonium Reprocessed uranium Fuel fabrication Enrichment 1st conversion 2d conversion Interim storage Spent MOX interim storage Extraction of ore Interim storage pending ˡȇƏǼ ƳǣɀȵȒɀƏ MOX fabrication Fission products Technological waste Depleted uranium Nuclear reactor Flows expressed in tons/year 7,500 t. 940 t. 10 t. 1,000 t. 120 t. 1,000 t. 120 t. 1,000 t. 8,500 t. Fuel cycle diagram 316 ASN Report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2019 ׏׏ ٲ NUCLEAR FUEL CYCLE INSTALLATIONS