Abstracts ASN Report 2019

It justified abandoning this operation in particular because of the greater complexity of this type of facility (consideration of the presence of underground water and the need for ventilation if exothermal waste was emplaced, surveillance of the civil engineering structures) and the lower operating flexibility. The ŀňĿŇļіĶŅļŇĸŅļĴ ĴŁĴĿŌņļņ ņňĵŀļŇŇĸķ ļŁ ӅӃӄӋׇķļķ ŁłŇ ĶĴĿĿ ļŁŇł ńňĸņŇļłŁ these conclusions. In the light of industrial experience, research and its studies, ŁķŅĴ ļņņňĸķ ŅĸĶłŀŀĸŁķĴŇļłŁņ ļŁ ӅӃӄӇׇĹłŅ ŇĻĸ ķĸņļĺŁ łĹ ĹňŇňŅĸ storage facilities that are complementary to disposal. They concern more specifically the service life of the facilities (up to about a hundred years), their monitoring and surveillance and their modularity. Orano Cycle has integrated some of the recommendations in the design of the extension of the glass storage facilities at La Hague (E/EV-LH building) intended for high-level waste and situated in BNI 116. This extension comprises ŇŊł ŃļŇņѓ ӆӃׇĴŁķ ӇӃё ĶłŀŀļņņļłŁĸķ ļŁ ӅӃӄӈׇĴŁķ ӅӃӄӊׇŅĸņŃĸĶŇļʼnĸĿŌє Within the framework of the PNGMDR 2013-2015, and after presenting the inventory of HLW and ILW-LL waste packages intended for Cigéo Ĵņ ĴŇ ŇĻĸ ĸŁķ łĹ ӅӃӄӆׇĴŁķ ŇĻĸ ņŇĴŇňņ łĹ ŇĻĸ existing storage locations, the producers more specifically analysed the fundamental elements enabling waste package storage needs to be identified. Ł ļŇņ ĴĵłʼnĸŀĸŁŇļłŁĸķ łŃļŁļłŁ łĹ Ӆӈׇ ĸĵŅňĴŅŌ ӅӃӄӉё identifies several possibilities for enhancing the robustness of ŇĻĸ ŅĸŁĶĻ ņŇłŅĴĺĸ ņŇŅĴŇĸĺŌ ĹłŅ ĴŁķ і ŊĴņŇĸё ļŁ Ĵ ŀĴŁŁĸŅ complementary to their disposal. • Áǝƺ ȵȸȒɀȵƺƬɎɀ ɖȇƳƺȸ Ɏǝƺ ¨zJx(« Ļĸ ņŇňķļĸņ ŅĸńňļŅĸķ ĵŌ ŇĻĸ ӅӃӄӉіӅӃӄӋ ĹłĶňņ łŁ the analysis of the storage needs for HL and ILW-LL waste packages and take up the broad lines of the ASN opinion of Ӆӈׇ ĸĵŅňĴŅŌׇӅӃӄӉє ŅŇļĶĿĸ є ӈӇӅіӊӌׇłĹ ŇĻĸ ŁʼnļŅłŁŀĸŁŇ łķĸё ļŁŇŅłķňĶĸķ ĵŌ ŇĻĸ ĸĶŅĸĸ łĹ Ӆӆׇ ĸĵŅňĴŅŌ ӅӃӄӊׇŅĸĿĴŇļʼnĸ Ňł ŇĻĸ ŃŅłʼnļņļłŁņ łĹ ŇĻĸ ӅӃӄӉіӅӃӄӋё ņŇļŃňĿĴŇĸņ ŇĻĴŇ ŇĻĸ ĻłĿķĸŅņ łĹ ņŃĸŁŇ ĹňĸĿ and HL and ILW-LL radioactive waste must keep up to date the availability status of the storage capacities for these substances by waste category and identify the future storage capacity needs for the next twenty years at least. Ł ĴĶĶłŅķĴŁĶĸ ŊļŇĻ ŅŇļĶĿĸ ӈӆׇłĹ ŇĻĸ ŅķĸŅ łĹ Ӆӆׇ ĸĵŅňĴŅŌ ӅӃӄӊё ŇĻĸ ё ĴŁķ ŅĴŁł ĻĴʼnĸ ķĸĹļŁĸķ ŇĻĸ ĹňŇňŅĸ ņŇłŅĴĺĸ Łĸĸķņ for all families of HL and ILW-LL waste, covering the next twenty ŌĸĴŅņ ĴŇ ĿĸĴņŇє Ļĸ ё ĴŁķ ŅĴŁł ĻĴʼnĸ ĴĿņł ņŇňķļĸķё ŊļŇĻļŁ this context, how sensitive the storage needs are to shifts in the Cigéo schedule. All these studies have been submitted to ASN and are currently being examined. ŅŇļĶĿĸ ӈӅׇłĹ ŇĻĸ ŅķĸŅ łĹ Ӆӆׇ ĸĵŅňĴŅŌ ӅӃӄӊׇŅĸńňļŅĸņ ŁķŅĴ Ňł substantiate the factors that led it to reject the option of designing near-surface storage facilities. In response to this requirement, ļŁ ӅӃӄӋׇ ŁķŅĴ ņňĵŀļŇŇĸķ Ĵ ĶłŀŃĴŅĴŇļʼnĸ ņŇňķŌ łĹ ŇĻĸ ķļĹĹĸŅĸŁŇ types of storage it has studied. This analysis does not reveal any decisive advantage in terms of nuclear safety favouring a near- surface facility over an above-ground facility. ASN will adopt a position on Andra’s analyses in 2020. Ł ŇĻĸ ĵĴņļņ łĹ ŇĻĸ łŃļŁļłŁё ŇĻĸ ӅӃӄӉіӅӃӄӋׇņĸŇņ out several guidelines for the design of HL and ILW-LL waste storage facilities (significant design margins, simple and modular architecture, preference to passive systems, provisions for controlling the ambient storage conditions in normal, incident and accident situations, provisions for monitoring and surveillance and deviation management defined at the design stage, provisions for preserving the memory, etc.). ASN will be attentive to the integration of these recommendations in the new facilities that will be necessary pending commissioning of Cigéo . This concerns in particular the storage facilities for ILW-LL waste produced before 2015, which will have been packaged before 2030, in accordance with the deadline prescribed by ŅŇļĶĿĸ єׇӈӇӅіӄіӆׇłĹ ŇĻĸ ŁʼnļŅłŁŀĸŁŇ łķĸє • «ƺɮƺȸɀǣƫǼƺ Ƴƺƺȵ ǕƺȒǼȒǕǣƬƏǼ ƳǣɀȵȒɀƏǼ ĸĸŃ ĺĸłĿłĺļĶĴĿ ķļņŃłņĴĿ ļņ ĶĴĿĿĸķ łňŇ ĵŌ ŅŇļĶĿĸ єׇӈӇӅіӄіӅׇłĹ ŇĻĸ Environment Code, which stipulates that “ after storage, ultimate radioactive waste which, for nuclear safety or radiation protection reasons, cannot be disposed of on the surface or at shallow depth, shall be disposed of in a deep geological repository ”. Ļĸ ĶŇ łĹ ӅӋׇ ňŁĸ ӅӃӃӉׇĴņņļĺŁņ ŁķŅĴ ŇĻĸ ŇĴņľ łĹ ķĸʼnļņļŁĺ Ĵ project for a deep geological disposal facility which shall be a BNI, governed by the regulations specific to this type of installation, and as such shall be subject to ASN oversight. • Áǝƺ ȵȸǣȇƬǣȵǼƺ Ȓǔ Ɏǝǣɀ Ɏɵȵƺ Ȓǔ ƳǣɀȵȒɀƏǼ Deep geological disposal of radioactive waste consists in emplacing the radioactive waste in an underground facility specially designed for this purpose, complying with the principle of reversibility. The characteristics of the geological layer are intended to confine the radioactive substances contained in this waste. Such a disposal facility –unlike storage facilities– must be designed such that long-term safety is ensured passively, that is to say without depending on human actions (such as monitoring or maintenance activities) which require oversight, the durability of which cannot be guaranteed beyond a limited period of time. Lastly, the depth of the disposal structures must be such that they cannot be significantly affected by the expected external natural phenomena (erosion, climate change, earthquakes, etc.) or by human activities. Ł ӄӌӌӄё ŃňĵĿļņĻĸķ ĴņļĶ ĴĹĸŇŌ ňĿĸ іӅіĹ ķĸĹļŁļŁĺ the objectives to be set in the design and works phases for final disposal of radioactive waste in deep geological formations, in order to ensure safety after the operational life of the repository. Ł ӅӃӃӋׇļŇ ŃňĵĿļņĻĸķ ĴŁ ňŃķĴŇĸ łĹ ŇĻļņ ķłĶňŀĸŁŇ ļŁ ŇĻĸ ĹłŅŀ of a safety Guide relative to radioactive waste disposal in deep geological formations –Safety Guide No.1. The conditions of creation of a reversible deep geological repository for HL and ILW-LL radioactive waste were specified ĵŌ ŇĻĸ ĶŇ łĹ Ӆӈׇ ňĿŌ ӅӃӄӉё ŊĻļĶĻ ķĸĹļŁĸņ ŇĻĸ ŃŅļŁĶļŃĿĸ łĹ reversibility, introduces the industrial pilot phase before complete commissioning of Cigéo and brings schedule adaptations concerning the deployment of Cigéo . This Act defines reversibility as “ the ability, for successive generations, to either continue the construction and then the operation of successive sections of a disposal facility, or to reassess previous choices and change the management solutions. Reversibility is materialised by the progressive nature of the construction, the adaptability of the design and the operational flexibility of placing radioactive waste in a deep geological repository which can integrate technological progress and adapt to possible changes in waste inventory following a change in energy policy. It includes the possibility of retrieving waste packages from the repository under conditions and during a period of time that are consistent with the operating strategy and the closure of the repository ”. Ł ļŇņ łŃļŁļłŁ ӅӃӄӉі іӃӅӉӊׇłĹ ӆӄׇ ĴŌ ӅӃӄӉׇŅĸĿĴŇļʼnĸ Ňł ŇĻĸ reversibility of the deep geological disposal of radioactive waste, ASN had considered that the principle of reversibility implied a requirement for adaptability of the facility and retrievability of the packages during a period governed by law. Ļĸ ĸĶŅĸĸ łĹ Ӆӆׇ ĸĵŅňĴŅŌ ӅӃӄӊׇŅĸĿĴŇļʼnĸ Ňł ŇĻĸ ŃŅłʼnļņļłŁņ łĹ ŇĻĸ PNGMDR details certain principles applicable to Cigéo , and more ŃĴŅŇļĶňĿĴŅĿŌ ļŁ ŅŇļĶĿĸņ є ӈӇӅіӋӋׇŇł є ӈӇӅіӌӉׇłĹ ŇĻĸ ŁʼnļŅłŁŀĸŁŇ łķĸє ŅŇļĶĿĸ є ӈӇӅіӌӃׇņŇļŃňĿĴŇĸņ ļŁ ŃĴŅŇļĶňĿĴŅ ŇĻĴŇ Ѣ the inventory ASN Report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2019 355 ׏ ٲ ג RADIOACTIVE WASTE AND CONTAMINATED SITES AND SOILS 14