ASN Report 2020
1 The principles of nuclear safety and radiation protection P. 122 1.1 Fundamental principles 1.1.1 The principle of licensee responsibility 1.1.2 The “Polluter-pays” principle 1.1.3 The precautionary principle 1.1.4 The public participation principle 1.1.5 The justification principle 1.1.6 The optimisation principle 1.1.7 The limitation principle 1.1.8 The prevention principle 1.2 Some aspects of the safety approach 1.2.1 Safety culture 1.2.2 The “Defence in Depth” concept 1.2.3 Positioning of barriers 1.2.4 Deterministic and probabilistic approaches 1.2.5 Operating Experience Feedback 1.2.6 Social, Organisational and Human Factors 2 The stakeholders P. 127 2.1 Parliament 2.2 The Government 2.2.1 The ministers responsible for nuclear safety and radiation protection 2.2.2 The decentralised State services 2.3 The French Nuclear Safety Authority 2.3.1 Role and duties 2.3.2 Organisation 2.3.3 Operation 2.4 The consultative and discussion bodies 2.4.1 The High Committee for Transparency and Information on Nuclear Safety 2.4.2 The High Council for Public Health 2.4.3 The High Council for Prevention of Technological Risks 2.4.4 The Local Information Committees and the National Association of Local Information Committees and Commissions (Anccli) 2.5 ASN’s technical support organisations 2.5.1 The Institute for Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety (IRSN) 2.5.2 Advisory Committees of Experts 2.5.3 Scientific Committee 2.5.4 The ASN’s other technical support organisations 2.6 The pluralistic working groups 2.6.1 The working group on the National Radioactive Material and Waste Management Plan 2.6.2 The Steering Committee for Managing the Nuclear Post-Accident Phasee 2.6.3 The Committee for the Analysis of New Techniques and Practices using Ionising Radiation 2.6.4 The other pluralistic working groups 2.7 The other stakeholders 2.7.1 The National Agency for the Safety of Medication and Health Products 2.7.2 French National Authority for Health 2.7.3 French National Cancer Institute 2.8 The safety regulators: an international comparison 3 F inancing the regulation of nuclear safety and radiation protection P. 142 4 Outlook P. 143 ASN Report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2020 121