ASN Report 2020
in the legal training of staff and in coordinating regulations steering committees. ∙ The Information, Communication and Digital Usages Department (DIN) implements ASN information and communication policy in the fields of nuclear safety and radiation protection. It coordinates ASN communication and information actions targeting different audiences, with a focus on handling requests for information and documentation, making ASN’s position known and explaining regulations. It is responsible for the IT infrastructure, for overseeing the digital transformation and the development of digital services for the parties concerned and the ASN audiences. The DIN comprises two offices: “Communication and Information” and “IT and Digital Usages”. ASN ORGANISATION DURING THE LOCKDOWN PERIODS The March 2020 health crisis led ASN to adapt its organisation. During the first lockdown, the technical resources made available by ASN enabled all its staff to work from home. This enabled examination of the technical files to continue and ASN major position statements to be prepared, on time. The on-call and emergency system was also maintained. Pending implementation of appropriate health protocols, on-site inspections were initially suspended, except when absolutely necessary (incidents) and were replaced by remote inspections. Subsequently, and before the end of the first lockdown period, ASN resumed a number of on-site inspections. Work was done to define the scope of the inspections to be performed, at the same time as identifying the measures to protect the personnel required to conduct these inspections. The operations and organisation as a whole were regularly discussed with the Health, Safety and Working Conditions Committee (CHSCT). This latter was asked to issue opinions on a certain number of texts (organisation, inspection guide mementos during a health crisis). During the period after the lockdown was lifted, frommid-May until the end of August, ASN continued to prefer home-working for a large share of its personnel. It also reinforced its on-site inspection actions, in addition to its remote-inspections. In September and October, ASN continued with its on-site inspection activities and, for the staff who so wished, experimented with a home-working quota of up to three days per week (instead of the one day hitherto authorised). The deterioration in the health situation and the Government’s decision to institute another lockdown at the end of October, led ASN to suspend this experiment, with all staff again working from home five days a week. It did however attempt to maintain its on-site inspections and adapted them to the situation, notably in the medical field (see chapters 3 and 7). THE IMPACT OF COVID-19 The members of the management committee L. Chanial J. Collet V. Cloître O. Lahaye C. Silvestri AC. Rigail C. Quintin C. Rousse P. Bois A. Clos O. Rivière F. Feron B. Rouède O. Gupta C. Acharian D. Delalande C. Kassiotis R. Catteau J. Husse ASN Report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2020 131 02 – THE PRINCIPLES OF NUCLEAR SAFETY AND RADIATION PROTECTION AND THE REGULATION AND OVERSIGHT STAKEHOLDERS 02