ASN Report 2020

Management of ASN personnel skills is built primarily around a qualifying technical training programme tailored to each staff member, based on professional training requirements that include minimum experience conditions. Pursuant to the provisions of Article L. 592-22 and L. 592-23 of the Environment Code, which notably state that “ [ASN] appoints the nuclear safety […] and radiation protection inspectors from among its staff ” and Decree 2007-831 of 11 May 2007 setting out the procedures for appointing and qualifying nuclear safety inspectors, which states that “ the nuclear safety inspectors and staff responsible for inspecting nuclear pressure equipment […] are chosen according to their professional experience and their legal and technical knowledge ”, ASN has set up a formalised process leading to the qualification of a large number of its staff to perform its inspections and, as applicable, judicial policing duties. ASN also carries out labour inspectorate duties in the NPPs, pursuant to Article R. 8111-11 of the Labour Code. For each of the inspectors concerned, the accreditation decision taken by ASN is based on the match between the skills acquired – both within and outside ASN – and those specified in the professional baseline requirements. Training activities were adapted to the context of the health crisis, by minimising the delays in the accreditation decision-making process. On 31 December 2020, ASN employed 320 nuclear safety or radiation protection inspectors holding at least one accreditation, or nearly 60% of the 529 ASN staff. Nearly 2,300 training days were given to ASN staff during the course of 130 sessions as part of 80 different in-person or video courses. A large volume of self-training hours should be added to these figures. The Training Committee, set up in 2019, oversees the constant improvement of the training system and ensures that it matches the needs and strategic goals set out in the Multi-year Strategic Plan. Social dialogue As a State administration, ASN has three social dialogue bodies: ∙ the Social Dialogue Committee (SDC), with competence for all questions concerning the organisation and working of the departments, workforce and budget aspects; ∙ the Joint Consultative Commission (CCP) with competence for all individual or collective questions concerning ASN’s tenured contract staff; Qualifying professional experience Mandatory qualification Specific PWR training • Pressurised Water Reactor • Fire • External hazards • Ventilation • Nuclear Pressure Equipment (PE) • Monitoring of PWR safety Specific LUDD training • Introduction to atomic engineering • Fire • External hazards • Ventilation Specific cross-disciplinary training • Pressurised Water Reactor • Fire • External hazards • Ventilation “ASN core activities” basic training • Inspections at ASN • Sanctions • General knowledge of ASN personnel • Regulation radiation protection training for ASN staff likely to intervene in a regulated area • Introduction to general communication Joint “nuclear safety” “qualifying” technical training • Nuclear licensee routine operations approach - Immersion • BNI technical regulations Joint nuclear safety inspectors qualifying experience • Has followed two inspections as an observer • Has played a hands-on role in three inspections PWR inspectors qualifying experience (excluding PE), LUDD • Has taken part in three notification investigations of Article 26 • Has taken part in three significant event investigations (ASN regional divisions) PWR inspectors qualifying experience with intervention limited to the PE field • Has taken part in investigating five PE-related files • Has taken part in three technical meetings on PE-related topics • A tutor’s report produced following the training period “Nuclear safety” inspector training programme, Pressurised Water Reactor (PWR), Laboratories, Plants, Decommissioning and Waste (LUDD) and cross-disciplinary qualification 134 ASN Report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2020 02 – THE PRINCIPLES OF NUCLEAR SAFETY AND RADIATION PROTECTION AND THE REGULATION AND OVERSIGHT STAKEHOLDERS