ASN Report 2020

The list of approved organisations and laboratories is available on . ASN thus approves organisations so that they can perform the technical inspections or verifications required by the regulations in the fields within its scope of competence: ∙ radiation protection verifications; ∙ measurement of radon activity concentration in premises open to the public; ∙ assessment of NPE conformity and inspection of pressure equipment in service. In order to approve the applicant organisations, ASN ensures that they perform the inspections in accordance with their technical, organisational and ethical obligations and in compliance with the rules of professional good practice. Compliance with these provisions should enable the required level of quality to be obtained and maintained. ASN ensures that benefit is gained from the approval, in particular through regular exchanges with the organisations it has approved and the mandatory submission of an annual report. In 2019, the Organisations Approved for Radiation Protection (OARP) verifications carried out 64,453 verifications, with the breakdown per type of source and per field being given in Table 2. The reports of the verifications performed in each facility by the OARP are at the disposal of and examined by ASN personnel on the occasion of: ∙ licence renewals or modifications requiring ASN authorisation; ∙ inspections. Examination of these reports on the one hand makes it possible to check that the mandatory verifications have actually been carried out and, on the other, enables the licensees to be questioned about the steps taken to remedy any nonconformities. ASN also approves laboratories to conduct analyses requiring a high level of measurement quality if the results are to be usable. ASN thus approves laboratories to monitor radioactivity in the environment (see point 4.3). The updated list of approvals issued by ASN is available on . On the advice of the standing sub-committee in charge of the Carriage of Dangerous Goods within the High Council for the Prevention of Technological Risks, ASN approved: ∙ the training organisations for drivers of vehicles carrying radioactive materials; two organisations have been approved; ∙ the organisations responsible for certifying the conformity of packaging designed to contain 0.1 kilogramme (kg) or more of uranium hexafluoride (UF 6 ); ∙ the organisations responsible for type approval of tank containers and swap tanks intended for the carriage of class 7 dangerous goods; ∙ the organisations responsible for the initial and periodic inspections of tanks intended for the carriage of class 7 dangerous goods. Two organisations are approved for the qualification of tank- containers and for certification of the conformity of UF 6 packaging. As at 31 December 2020, the following are approved or accredited by ASN: ∙ 37 organisations tasked with radiation protection verifications; three approvals or approval renewals were delivered in 2020; ∙ 102 organisations tasked with measuring radon activity concentration in buildings. Fourteen of these organisations can also carry out measurements in cavities and underground structures, while twelve are approved to identify sources and means of radon ingress into buildings. In 2020, ASN issued 70 new approvals or approval renewals; ∙ 4 organisations qualified for NPE inspections; TABLE 2 Radiation protection checks performed in 2019 by organisations approved for radiation protection checks MEDICAL VETERINARY RESEARCH/ TEACHING INDUSTRY EXCLUDING BNIs BNIs TOTAL Sealed sources 1,625 28 2,786 11,454 14,998 30,891 Unsealed sources 577 8 975 1,111 5,690 8,361 Mobile electrical generators of ionising radiation 2,648 277 173 838 56 3,992 Fixed electrical generators of ionising radiation 10,787 858 589 5,496 206 17,936 Particle accelerators 430 154 527 104 39 1,254 Dental 2,019 2,019 Total 18,086 1,325 5,050 19,003 20,989 64,453 Regulatory changes expected in 2021 regarding radiation protection checks The Order of 23 October 2020 determined the working equipment and type of radioactive sources for which the employer has the initial check conducted, along with the procedures. The current regulations def ining the procedures for approval of organisations for radiation protection checks (ASN resolution 191) and the inspections that they perform (ASN resolution 175) will change in 2021: ཛྷ The rules that the nuclear activity managers will need to have checked by an Organisation Approved for Radiation Protection checks (OARP) will concern the management of effluent and waste, defined in ASN resolution 95, as well as the design, operation and maintenance of in vivo nuclear medicine facilities, defined in ASN resolution 463. The draft Order and draft ASN resolution, repealing resolution 175, were opened up to public participation in January 2021. ཛྷ Resolution 191 will be revised in 2021. ASN Report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2020 151 03 – REGULATION OF NUCLEAR ACTIVITIES AND EXPOSURE TO IONISING RADIATION 03