ASN Report 2020

TABLE 8 Example of radiological monitoring of the environment around BNIs ENVIRONMENT MONITORED OR TYPE OF INSPECTION CATTENOM NPP (ASN RESOLUTION 2014-DC-0415 OF 16 JANUARY 2014) ORANO PLANT AT LA HAGUE (ASN RESOLUTION 2015-DC-0535 OF 22 DECEMBER 2015) Air at ground level • 4 stations continuously sampling atmospheric dust on a f ixed f ilter with daily measurements of total β activity ( β G) ‒ γ spectrometry if β G > 2 mBq/m 3 ‒ Monthly γ spectrometry on groups of f ilters per station • 1 continuous sampling station downwind of the prevailing winds, with weekly measurement of atmospheric 3 H • 5 stations continuously sampling atmospheric dust on a f ixed f ilter, with daily measurements of the total α activity ( α G) and total β activity ( β G) ‒ γ spectrometry if α G or β G > 1 mBq/m 3 ‒ Monthly α (Pu) spectrometry on grouped f ilters per station • 5 continuous sampling stations for halogens on specif ic adsorbent with weekly γ spectrometry to measure iodines • 5 continuous sampling stations with weekly measurement of atmospheric 3 H • 5 continuous sampling stations with bi-monthly measurement of atmospheric 14 C • 5 continuous measurement stations for 85 Kr activity in the air Ambient γ radiation • Continuous measurement with recording: ‒ 4 detectors at 1 km ‒ 10 detectors on the site boundary ‒ 4 detectors at 5 km • 5 detectors with continuous measurement and recording • 11 detectors with continuous measurement at the site fencing Rain • 1 continuous sampling station under the prevailing winds with bi-monthly measurement of β G and 3 H • 2 continuous sampling stations including one under the prevailing winds with weekly measurement of α G, β G and 3 H ‒ γ spectrometry if signif icant α G or β G Liquid discharge receiving environment • Sampling from the river upstream of the discharge point and in the goodmixing area for each discharge ‒ Measurement of β G, potassium (K) (*) and 3 H • Continuous sampling in the river at the good mixing point ‒ 3 Hmeasurement (average daily mixture) • Annual sampling in aquatic sediments, fauna and flora upstream and downstream of the discharge point with γ spectrometry, free 3 Hmeasurement and, on f ish, organically bound 14 C and 3 H • Periodic sampling from a stream and in the dam adjoining the site withmeasurements of β G, K, 3 H • Daily seawater samples from 2 points on the coast, with daily measurements ( γ spectrometry, 3 H) at one of these points and for each of the 2 points, α and γ spectrometry and β G, K, 3 H and 90 Sr measurements • Quarterly seawater samples at 3 points offshore with γ spectrometry and β G, K, 3 Hmeasurements • Quarterly samples of beach sand, seaweed and limpets at 13 points with γ spectrometry + 14 Cmeasurements and α spectrometry for the seaweed and limpets at 6 points • Sampling of f ish, crustaceans, shellf ish and molluscs in 3 coastal zones of the Cotentin with α and γ spectrometry and 14 Cmeasurement • Quarterly sampling of offshore marine sediments at 8 points with α and γ spectrometry and 90 Sr measurement • Weekly to six-monthly samples of water from 19 streams around the site, with α G, β G, K and 3 Hmeasurements • Quarterly sampling of sediments from the 4main streams adjacent to the site, with γ and α spectrometry • Quarterly samples of aquatic plants in 3 streams in the vicinity of the site with γ spectrometry and 3 Hmeasurement Groundwater • Monthly sampling at 4 points, bi-monthly at 1 point and quarterly at 4 points with β g, K and 3 Hmeasurement • 5 sampling points (monthly check) with α G, β G, K and 3 Hmeasurement Water for consumption • Annual sampling of water intended for human consumption, with β G, K and 3 Hmeasurements • Periodic sampling of water intended for human consumption at 15 points, with α G, β G, K and 3 Hmeasurements Soil • 1 annual sample of the topsoil with γ spectrometry • Quarterly samples at 7 points with γ spectrometry and 14 Cmeasurement Vegetation • 2 grass sampling points, including one under the prevailing winds, monthly γ spectrometry and quarterly 14 C and Cmeasurements • Annual campaign for the main agricultural crops, with γ spectrometry, 3 H and 14 Cmeasurements • Monthly grass sampling at 5 points and quarterly at 5 other points with γ spectrometry and 3 H and 14 Cmeasurements, ‒ Annual α spectrometry at each point • Annual campaign for the main agricultural crops, with α and γ spectrometry, 3 H, 14 C and 90 Sr measurements Milk • 2 points sampling points situated at 0 to 10 km from the installation, including one under the prevailing winds, withmonthly γ spectrometry, quarterly 14 Cmeasurement and annual 90 Sr and 3 Hmeasurement • 5 sampling points (monthly check) with γ spectrometry, K, 3 H, 14 C and 90 Sr measurement α G = α global; β G = β global * Measurements of total concentration of potassium and by spectrometry for 40K. ASN Report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2020 167 03 – REGULATION OF NUCLEAR ACTIVITIES AND EXPOSURE TO IONISING RADIATION 03