ASN Report 2020
1 N uclear-based medical activities P. 208 1.1 The different activity categories 1.2 E xposure situations in the medical sector 1.2.1 E xposure of health professionals 1.2.2 E xposure of patients 1.2.3 E xposure of the public 1.2.4 T he environmental impact 1.2.5 S ignificant radiation protection events 1.2.6 T he risks and the oversight priorities 1.2.7 O versight actions conducted in the context of the health crisis 1.3 R egulations 1.3.1 General regulations 1.3.2 M edical devices and radiopharmaceuticals 1.3.3 R adiation protection of patients 1.3.4 Administrative procedures 2 External-beam radiotherapy P. 213 2.1 D escription of the techniques 2.1.1 T hree-dimensional conformal radiotherapy 2.1.2 I ntensity-Modulated (conformal) Radiotherapy 2.1.3 Stereotactic radiotherapy 2.1.4 R adiotherapy using a linear accelerator coupled to a magnetic resonance imaging system 2.1.5 Contact radiotherapy 2.1.6 Intraoperative radiotherapy 2.1.7 Hadron therapy 2.2 T echnical rules applicable to external‑beam radiotherapy installations 2.3 R adiation protection situation in external-beam radiotherapy 2.3.1 R adiation protection of external-beam radiotherapy professionals 2.3.2 R adiation protection of radiotherapy patients 2.3.3 S ignificant events in external-beam radiotherapy 3 Brachytherapy P. 220 3.1 D escription of the techniques 3.1.1 L owDose-Rate (LDR) brachytherapy 3.1.2 P ulsed Dose-Rate (PDR) brachytherapy 3.1.3 H igh Dose‑Rate (HDR) brachytherapy 3.2 T echnical rules applicable to brachytherapy installations 3.3 R adiation protection situation in brachytherapy 3.3.1 R adiation protection of medical professionals 3.3.2 R adiation protection of patients 3.3.3 M anagement of sources 3.3.4 E mergency situations andmanagement of malfunctions 3.3.5 S ignificant events in brachytherapy 4 Nuclear medicine P. 223 4.1 P resentation of nuclear medicine activities 4.1.1 In vivo diagnosis 4.1.2 In vitro diagnosis 4.1.3 I nternal targeted radiotherapy 4.1.4 R esearch in nuclear medicine involving humans 4.2 L ayout rules for nuclear medicine facilities 4.3 R adiation protection situation in nuclear medicine 4.3.1 R adiation protection conformity of nuclear medicine professionals 4.3.2 R adiation protection of nuclear medicine patients 4.3.3 P rotection of the general public and the environment 4.3.4 S ignificant events in nuclear medicine 5 Fluoroscopy-Guided Interventional practices P. 229 5.1 O verview of the techniques and the equipment 5.2 T echnical rules for the fitting out of medical rooms 5.3 R adiation protection situation in Fluoroscopy-Guided Interventional practices 5.3.1 R adiation protection of medical professionals 5.3.2 R adiation protection of patients 5.3.3 S ignificant events relating to Fluoroscopy-Guided Interventional practices 6 Medical and dental radiodiagnosis P. 232 6.1 O verview of the equipment 6.1.1 Medical radiodiagnosis 6.1.2 Dental radiodiagnosis 6.2 T echnical layout rules for medical and dental radiodiagnosis facilities 6.3 R adiation protection situation: spotlight on the CT scanner 6.4 S ignificant events reported in medical and dental radiodiagnosis 7 B lood product irradiators P. 235 7.1 D escription 7.2 T echnical rules applicable to facilities 8 Synthesis and prospects P. 236 ASN Report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2020 207