ASN Report 2020
At present, measures to bring the professionals concerned into compliance are very widely engaged in many activity sectors. The electrical devices emitting ionising radiation are chiefly X‑ray generators. They are used in industry for non-destructive structural analyses (analysis techniques such as tomography, diffractometry, also called X‑ray crystallography, etc.), checking the quality of weld beads or inspecting materials for fatigue (in aeronautics in particular). ASN Report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2020 243 08 – SOURCES OF IONISING RADIATION AND THEIR INDUSTRIAL, VETERINARY AND RESEARCH APPLICATIONS 08 GRAPH 3A Use of electrical devices generating ionising radiation (veterinary sector excluded) 0 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 Non-destructive testing (radiography/ radioscopy) X-ray fluorescence analysis Crystallography Industrial gauge (level measurement) Accelerators Research Teaching Calibration Number of facilities licensed 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 GRAPH 3B Breakdown of notifications of ionising radiation generators by end-purpose in 2019 and 2020 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 2019 2020 X-ray enclosures combined with quality/safety control conveyor in the agri-food or cosmetics industries X-ray enclosures combined with baggage screening X-ray enclosures combined with a waste sorting conveyor X-ray enclosures combined with an R&D conveyor X-ray devices used for X-ray fluorescence analysis X-ray enclosures combined with a density, thickness and level measurement conveyor X-ray enclosures combined with a quality control conveyor in the wood, flower and tire industries Closed X-ray enclosures Number of facilities with a notification acknowledgement 275 477 164 241 230 313 82 87 4 6 10 13 1 4 469 638