ASN Report 2020
Improving protection of the population by learning the lessons from the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi NPP Between 2014 and 2019, the Codirpa proposed changes to post- accident doctrine to take account of the lessons learned from the accident that struck the Fukushima Daiichi NPP in Japan. These proposals, accepted by the Prime Minister in June 2020, will be implemented in the next update of the Major nuclear or radiological accident national response plan. The principal recommendation consists in simplifying the post-accident zoning which underpins the population protection measures: ∙ To protect the population from the external exposure risk (1) , a population evacuation perimeter (uninhabitable zone) would be put into place. The consumption and sale of foodstuffs produced in this zone would be prohibited. 1. External exposure corresponds to the exposure resulting from radioactive sources situated outside the organism. 2. Produce from gardens or from open-air market gardens and fruit orchards, as well as products taken from the natural environment (such as mushrooms, berries and wild game) and the marine environment (shellfish, notably in seashore fishing zones). 3. Council regulation (Euratom) 2016/52 of 15 January 2016 setting the maximum permitted levels for radioactive contamination for foodstuffs and animal feedstuffs after a nuclear accident or in any other radiological emergency situation. ∙ To limit exposure of the population to the risk of contam ination through consumption , a non-consumption perimeter for fresh local produce (2) would be defined. First of all, this perimeter will be defined on the basis of the largest of the population protection perimeters (sheltering, ingestion of iodine, etc.) determined during the emergency phase. ∙ With regard to the marketing of local agricultural produce , a regional approach per production sector would be adopted. Checks prior to marketing will be adopted, to guarantee compliance with the maximum permitted levels (3) of radioactive contamination defined at European level for the sale of foodstuffs. This zoning approach would be accompanied by protective measures adopted in the national plan (decontamination, etc.) taking account of the scale of the accident, the result of measurements and the perception of the situation by the population. Protecting and assisting the population following a nuclear accident The Steering Committee for management of the post-accident phase (Codirpa) is a pluralistic group headed by ASN, the role of which is to propose changes to the Government concerning the national strategy for protection of the population and reconstruction following a nuclear accident. This Committee was created in 2005 at the request of the Prime Minister, who specified its mandate, and consists of experts and representatives of Government departments and civil society. Its work is made public on the ASN website. 28 ASN Report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2020 POST-ACCIDENT MANAGEMENT