ASN Report 2020
1 G eneral information about Nuclear Power Plants P. 286 1.1 General presentation of a PressurisedWater Reactor 1.2 The core, fuel and its management 1.3 The primary system and the secondary systems 1.4 The secondary system cooling system 1.5 The containment 1.6 The main auxiliary and safeguard systems 1.7 The other systems important for safety 2 Oversight of nuclear safety P. 290 2.1 Fuel 2.1.1 Changes to fuel and fuel management in the reactor 2.1.2 Assessment of the condition of the fuel and its management in the reactor 2.2 Nuclear Pressure Equipment 2.2.1 Monitoring of the design andmanufacturing conformity of Nuclear Pressure Equipment 2.2.2 Assessment of the design andmanufacturing of Nuclear Pressure Equipment 2.2.3 Monitoring the operation of Pressure Equipment 2.2.4 Assessment of Pressure Equipment in operation 2.3 The containments 2.3.1 Monitoring the containments 2.3.2 Assessment of the condition of the containments 2.4 Risk prevention and management 2.4.1 Monitoring the drafting and application of the General Operating Rules 2.4.2 Assessment of reactor operations 2.4.3 Monitoringmaintenance of the facilities 2.4.4 Assessment of maintenance 2.4.5 Preventing the effects of internal and external hazards 2.4.6 Assessment of the risk preventionmeasures relating to hazards 2.4.7 Monitoring facilities compliance with the requirements 2.4.8 Assessment of facilities compliance with the applicable requirements 2.5 Prevention and management of environmental and health impacts 2.5.1 Monitoring of discharges and of waste management 2.5.2 The prevention of health impacts and soil pollution 2.5.3 Assessment of control of detrimental effects and impact on the environment 2.6 The contribution of man and organisations to safety 2.6.1 Monitoring how organisations work 2.6.2 Assessment of the working of the organisations and control of activities 2.7 Personnel radiation protection 2.7.1 Monitoring of personnel radiation protection 2.7.2 Assessment of personnel radiation protection 2.8 Labour Law in the Nuclear Power Plants 2.8.1 Oversight of Labour Law in the Nuclear Power Plants 2.8.2 Assessment of health and safety, professional relations and quality of employment in the Nuclear Power Plants 2.9 Lessons learned from the accident in the Fukushima Daiichi NPP 2.10 Continued operation of the Nuclear Power Plants 2.10.1 The age of the Nuclear Power Plants 2.10.2 The periodic safety review 2.10.3 Current periodic safety reviews in the Nuclear Power Plants 2.11 Flamanville EPR 2.11.1 Examination of the authorisation applications 2.11.2 Monitoring of construction, start-up tests and preparation for operation 2.11.3 Assessment of construction, start-up tests and preparation for operation of the Flamanville EPR reactor 2.12 Studies on reactors of the future 3 Outlook P. 31 9 ASN Report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2020 285