ASN Report 2020

Partial commissioning authorisation for arrival of the fuel EDF sent an application for partial commissioning of the installation to allow the arrival of fuel on the site, so that the fuel assemblies to be used for future operation could be safely received and stored. This partial commissioning is one of the steps prior to commissioning of the Flamanville EPR reactor, but in no way prejudges this commissioning, which is the subject of a separate examination. After examination of the application file and the supplements requested during the investigation, and further to consultation of the public, ASN authorised this partial commissioning on 8 October 2020. 2.11.2 Monitoring of construction, start-up tests and preparation for operation ASN is faced with numerous challenges concerning oversight of the construction, start-up tests and preparation for operation of the Flamanville EPR reactor. These are: ∙ checking the quality of equipment manufacturing, installation construction, radiation protection and environmental protec­ tion, in a manner commensurate with the safety implications, in order to be able to issue a position statement on the ability of the installation to meet the defined requirements; ∙ ensuring that the start-up tests programme is satisfactory, that the tests are correctly performed and that the required results are obtained; ∙ ensuring that the various stakeholders learn the lessons from the construction phase and the performance of the start-up tests, including the upstream phases (selection and monitoring of contractors, construction, procurement, etc.) which will enable the as-built installation to comply with the safety case for the duration of the project; ∙ ensuring that the licensee takes the necessary steps so that the teams in charge of operating the installation after commissioning are well-prepared. To do this, ASN has set binding requirements regarding the design, construction and start-up tests for the Flamanville EPR reactor and for operation of the two Flamanville 1 and 2 reactors close to the construction site. Compliance with these requirements is regularly checked by ASN through inspections and through examination of the commissioning authorisation application. As this is a nuclear power reactor, ASN is also responsible for labour inspection on the construction site. Lastly, ASN ensures oversight of the manufacture of the NPE that will be part of the primary and secondary systems of the nuclear steam supply system. The main steps taken by ASN in 2020 are described below. Oversight of the construction, assembly and test activities on the Flamanville EPR reactor site ASN carried out 13 EDF inspections on the Flamanville EPR reactor construction site in 2020. Authorisation for reception and storage of nuclear fuel on the Flamanville EPR reactor site On 8 October 2020, ASN authorised the arrival of nuclear fuel on the Flamanville Evolutionary Power Reactor (EPR) reactor site. Since then, EDF has received the first fuel assemblies and stored them in the specific pool in the building. ASN carried out an inspection on the Flamanville site on 18 and 19 August 2020 in order to evaluate the licensee’s readiness for the fresh fuel reception, handling and storage operations. The checks carried out during this inspection showed that the state of the installation and the licensee’s readiness for arrival of the fuel on the site were satisfactory. If an assembly were to be dropped when being handled during reception and storage of fresh fuel, there is a risk of dispersal of radioactive substances. ASN considers that the steps taken by EDF to prevent this accident scenario and mitigate the consequences were it to happen are satisfactory. ASN also authorised the use of radioactive gases to carry out the effectiveness tests on certain filter systems. This authorisation is one of the steps prior to commissioning of the Flamanville EPR reactor. The commissioning of the installation, that is loading of fuel into the reactor vessel, remains subject to authorisation by ASN. Arrival of nuclear fuel on the Flamanville EPR reactor site 316 ASN Report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2020 10 – THE EDF NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS