ASN Report 2020
decommissioning strategy of EDF’s GCRs. ASN also continued the examination of Orano’s decommissioning and waste management strategy files. The context and the preliminary conclusions of these examinations are detailed below. 4.1 Assessment of EDF’s decommissioning strategy The first decommissioning strategy file for the EDF reactors definitively shut down (Chinon A1, A2, A3, Saint-Laurent A1 and A2, Bugey 1, EL4-D, Chooz A and Superphénix) was transmitted in 2001 at the request of ASN. Immediate dismantling was adopted as the reference strategy. This strategy has been updated regularly, in order, for example, to adjust the decommissioning schedule or incorporate the complementary studies requested by ASN and elements concerning the future decommissioning of the reactor fleet in service. For the six first-generation GCRs (Chinon A1-A2 and A3, Saint-Laurent A1 and A2 and Bugey 1), EDF informed ASN in March 2016 of a complete change in strategy calling into question the technique (“under water”) used for the decommissioning of these reactors and the rate of decommissioning, leading to the decommissioning of all the GCRs being pushed back by several decades (see Notable Events). The decommissioning time-frames presented by EDF will be reviewed periodically by ASN and may be revised if, in the coming decades, it is found that this scenario can be optimised. This decommissioning strategy for the GCRs is governed by two ASN resolutions, 2020-DC 686 and CODEP- CLG-2020-021253, published on 3 March 2020. These resolutions establish the next steps necessary for the change in decommissioning strategy: submission of the decommission- ing files corresponding to these new decommissioning techniques, the defining of a robust waste management strategy, the decom- missioning operations to be continued, the putting into service of an industrial demonstrator and the information to be transmitted to ASN to monitor the effective implementation of the strategy. ASN considers that it is justified for EDF to develop an industrial demonstrator before decommissioning the reactor pressure vessels, but decommissioning of the various reactors must nevertheless begin within reasonable time frames in view of the obligation for decommissioning to be carried out as rapidly as possible. For the other EDF facilities shut down (notably Chooz A, the Chinon AMI, EL4-D, Superphénix), decommissioning is under way and the requirement to ensure decommissioning as rapidly as possible is satisfied on the whole. 4.2 Assessment of Orano’s decommissioning strategy Decommissioning the old installations is a major challenge for Orano, which has to manage several large-scale decommissioning projects in the short, medium and long term (UP2-400 facility at La Hague, Eurodif Production plant, individual facilities of the DBNI at Pierrelatte, etc.). Implementation of decommissioning is closely linked to the radioactive waste management strategy, given the quantity and the non-standard and hard to characterise nature La Hague (Orano) BNI 33 - Spent fuel reprocessing plant (UP2) BNI 38 - STE2 BNI 47 - ÉLAN IIB La Hague BNI 80 - HAO Saclay (CEA) BNI 18 - Ulysse BNI 40 - Osiris-Isis BNI 49 - High-Activity Laboratory (LHA) BNI 101 - Orphée Brennilis (EDF) BNI 162 - EL4-D Chinon (EDF) BNI 94 - Irradiated Materials Facility (AMI) BNI 133 - Chinon A1 D BNI 153 - Chinon A2 D BNI 161 - Chinon A3 D Saint-Laurent-des-Eaux (EDF) BNI 46 - Saint-Laurent-des-Eaux A1 and A2 Fontenay-aux-Roses (CEA) BNI 165 - Process BNI 166 - Support Tricastin (Orano) BNI 105 - Comurhex Tricastin (Orano) BNI 93 - Georges Besse Plant Chooz (EDF) BNI 163 - Chooz A Bugey (EDF) BNI 45 - Bugey 1 Creys-Malville (EDF) BNI 91 - Superphénix Marcoule (CEA) BNI 71 - Phénix Cadarache (CEA) BNI 25 - Rapsodie BNI 32 - ATPu BNI 37B - Effluent Treatment Station (STE) BNI 39 - Masurca BNI 42 - Éole BNI 52 - ATUe BNI 53 - MCMF BNI 54 - LPC BNI 56 - Solid radioactive waste storage area BNI 92 - Phébus BNI 95 - Minerve Fessenheim (EDF) BNI 75 - Fessenheim 1 - 2 Grenoble (CEA) BNI 36 - STED BNI 79 - Decay interim storage facility Map of the installations definitively shut down or in the process of decommissioning as at 31 December 2020 ASN Report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2020 349 13 – DECOMMISSIONING OF BASIC NUCLEAR INSTALLATIONS 13