ASN Report 2020

resolution has been applicable since 1 July 2018. Moreover, to ensure a consistent approach to the management of waste in BNIs and Defence BNIs, ASN and ASND signed an agreement in January 2021 coordinating their actions in this area. More generally, ASN issues requirements relative to the management of waste from the BNIs. ASN indicates certain waste management requirements in two guides: Guide No. 18 relative to the management of radioactive effluents and waste produced by a nuclear activity licensed under the Public Health Code, and Guide No. 23 relative to the BNI waste zoning plan (see points 1.2.1 and 1.2.2). Lastly, ASN is consulted for its opinion on draft regulatory texts relative to radioactive waste management. 2.1.5 Evaluation of the nuclear financial costs The regulatory framework designed to ring-fence the financing of nuclear facility decommissioning costs or, for radioactive waste disposal facilities, the final shutdown, maintenance and monitoring costs, in addition to the cost of managing spent fuel and radioactive waste, is described in chapter 13 (see point 1.4). 2.1.6 ASN’s international action in the area of waste ASN participates in the work of the Western European Nuclear Regulators Association (WENRA) which aims to harmonise nuclear safety practices in Europe by defining “reference safety levels” which must be transposed into the national regulations of its member countries. In this respect, the Working Group on Waste and Decommissioning (WGWD) is tasked with developing reference levels for the management of radioactive waste and spent fuel, and for the decommissioning of nuclear facilities. The ASN resolutions enable, among other things, these reference levels to be transposed into the general regulations applicable to BNIs. In 2017, following the work already carried out on storage, disposal and decommissioning, ASN participated in finalising the development of reference levels for the packaging of radioactive waste. Since 2019, ASN has participated in a think-tank on the strategic orientations of the activities of the WGWD, which should submit its proposals in 2021. BNI 35 La Hague Site disposal BNI 66 ✱ packaging and disposal BNI 149 Aube repository (CSA) storage ▲ treatment/ processing and packaging packaging, storage and disposal treatment, packaging and storage Liquid Effluent Management Zone (ZGEL) Industrial centre for grouping, storage and disposal (Cires) Tritiated waste storage building Manche repository (CSM) packaging and storage storage BNI 74 ● BNI 173 sorting BNI 138 Tricastin site formerly Socatri Storage of irradiated graphite sleeves Activated waste packaging and storage facility (Iceda) storage ● Waiting for commissioning ✱ Comes under the status of ICPE ▲ Comes under the status of DBNI storage treatment storage packaging and storage ▲ CDS ● BNI 177 BNI 160 BNI 171 BNI 164 BNI 37-A ✱ Rotonde ▲ STEMA BNI 175 treatment/processing and packaging treatment/ processing and packaging treatment/ processing and packaging treatment/ processing and packaging Solid Waste Treatment Station (STD) Radioactive waste packaging and storage facility (Cedra) Advanced effluent management and treatment facility (Agate) Low-level waste treatment/ processing and packaging centre (Centraco) Irradiating or alpha waste from decommissioning facility (Diadem) Contained storage of conversion residues (Écrin) The main support facilities for radioactive waste management ASN Report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2020 367 14 – RADIOACTIVE WASTE AND CONTAMINATED SITES AND SOILS 14