ASN Report 2020
The last operating activity consists in finishing cutting up the used fuel cluster guide tubes from the PWR’s operated by EDF. ASN considers that the level of safety of the BCOT is on the whole satisfactory. In 2021, ASN will be attentive to the rate of the fuel cluster guide tube cutting-up operations and to the planned removals of massive parts and obsolete tooling. ROMANS-SUR-ISÈRE SITE Framatome operates two BNIs on its Romans‑sur‑Isère site in the Drôme département , namely the plant fabricating fuel elements for research reactors (BNI 63) and the plant fabricating nuclear fuel for the PWRs (BNI 98). Framatome nuclear fuel fabrication plants The fabrication of fuel for electricity generating reactors involves the transformation of UF 6 into uranium oxide powder. The pellets fabricated f rom this powder in Framatome’s Romans‑sur‑Isère plant, called “FBFC” (BNI 98), are placed in zirconiummetal clads to constitute the fuel rods, then brought together to form assemblies for use in the NPP reactors. In the case of experimental reactors, the fuels used are more varied, with some of them using, for example, highly-enriched uranium in metal form. These fuels are also fabricated in the Romans‑sur‑Isère plant, formerly called “Cerca” (BNI 63). BNI 63 includes building F 2, which houses the “uranium zone” in which compacted powder cores placed in aluminium frames and plates are produced. The licensee has undertaken to replace this uranium zone by a new uranium zone called “NZU”, in order to improve more specifically the containment of the premises, the process and the prevention of risks in the event of an extreme earthquake. The NZU construction work began in late 2017 and must accommodate the current activities of the uranium zone of building F 2 before 31 December 2022. This is because as from that date, which is stipulated in ASN resolution 2019-DC-0670 of 4 June 2019 relative to the periodic safety review of BNI 63, the presence of radioactive material in the uranium zone of building F2 shall be prohibited. Construction of the NZU continued in 2020, with the production of the new storage compartments for uranium-bearing materials and the glove boxes. The safety report update and the new operating rules associated with the NZU should be submitted in the first quarter of 2021. A request for a modif ication of the Order of 22 June 2000 governing water intakes, discharges and environmental monitoring of the Romans‑sur‑Isère nuclear site was also submitted to ASN in July 2020. This request follows on from several changes, including in particular the modif ication of the Decree authorising creation of BNI 98 to increase its production capacity, the stopping of certain activities, the taking into account of the changes made to the liquid effluent treatment facilities, and the changeover from continuous discharging of liquid effluents to discharging into tanks. This file is currently being examined with a view to the preparation of two ASN resolutions: the first stipulating the requirements relative to the conditions of effluent discharge, water intakes and consumption and environmental monitoring, the second stipulating the environmental discharge limits. Lastly, because the buildings of BNIs 98 and 63 are closely interlinked on the same site, a request to unite the two BNIs was submitted in 2020 and is currently being examined. In the last quarter of 2020 Framatome also filed a request for a substantial modification to BNI 98 so that it can increase its production of enriched reprocessed uranium. Three signif icant events relating to control of the criticality risk and rated level 1 on the INES scale were reported in 2020. Particular vigilance remains essential with regard to the presence of radioactive material within the BNI 98 plants. The sampling inspections in 2020 conf irmed satisfactory accomplishment of the work carried out in summer 2020 in the F2 facility of BNI 63 and monitoring of qualification of the Protection Important Components (PIC) of the Geode unit (newwaste conditioning facility) of BNI 98. It was observed that the licensee maintained its efforts with regard to operating rigour, particularly to provide proof of conformity of the PICs. As far as the overall waste management strategy is concerned, the Romans‑sur‑Isère site must make further progress, particularly in the preparation of the management of the radioactive waste produced during the large-scale works and the deployment of the management rules on all the facilities. In 2021, ASN will be particularly attentive to the smooth running of the NZU worksite project. It will also closely monitor restarting of the TRIGA (Training, Research, Isotopes, General Atomics) facility of BNI 63 and the putting into service of Capadox, the new oxidation capability of BNI 98. ASN noted that the Covid‑19 pandemic did not disrupt the normal operation of Framatome in the fabrication of nuclear fuels or the production of medical targets. The licensee managed to maintain safety and radiation protection in all its production units. One inspection was carried out on the organisation put in place during the pandemic and showed that the means deployed by the licensee were satisfactory and the level of safety maintained at the required level. The pandemic did however lead to the stoppage of the worksites of the Training, Research, Isotopes, General Atomics (TRIGA) facility, of the new oxidation capability (Capadox) and of the New Uranium Zone (NZU) from March to June 2020. THE IMPACT OF COVID-19 ASN Report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2020 47 REGIONAL OVERVIEWOF NUCLEAR SAFETY AND RADIATION PROTECTION AUVERGNE-RHÔNE-ALPES