ASN Report 2020

ASNconducted59 inspections insmall-scalenuclear activities in the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté region in 2020, compris­ ing 23 inspections in the medical sector, 22 inspections in the industrial research and veterinary sectors, 3 inspec­ tions concerning radon exposure, 5 inspections to monitor approved organisations and laboratories, and 6 inspections specific to the transport of radioactive substances. One significant event rated level 2 on the ASN-SFRO scale was reported to ASN in 2020. ASN also devoted particular attention to the Framatome manufacturing plants situated in the Bourgogne-Franche- Comté region. The actions conducted by ASN in this context are described in chapter 10. ASN carried out 6 inspections in these plants in 2020. The Dijon division regulates nuclear safety, radiation protection and the transport of radioactive substances in the 8 départements of the Bourgogne‑Franche‑Comté region. Bourgogne-Franche‑Comté Region THE INSTALLATIONS AND ACTIVITIES TO REGULATE COMPRISES: small-scale nuclear activities in the medical sector: • 8 external-beam radiotherapy departments, • 4 brachytherapy departments, • 14 nuclear medicine departments, of which 3 practise internal targeted radiotherapy, • 35 centres performing interventional fluoroscopy-guided procedures, • 55 computed tomography scanners for diagnostic purposes, • about 800 medical radiology devices, • about 2,000 dental radiology devices; small-scale nuclear activities in the veterinary, industrial and research sectors: • about 250 veterinary practices, 3 of them equipped with scanners, • about 400 industrial and research centres, including 31 companies with an industrial radiography activity, • 1 industrial irradiator per radioactive source, • 2 computed tomography scanners dedicated to research, • 2 accelerators, one for industrial irradiation, the other for research and the production of drugs for medical imaging; activities associated with the transport of radioactive substances; ASN-approved laboratories and organisations: • 3 organisations approved for radiation protection controls, • 5 organisations approved for measuring radon, • 1 laboratory approved for taking environmental radioactivity measurements. p. 206 p. 238 p. 266 50 ASN Report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2020 REGIONAL OVERVIEWOF NUCLEAR SAFETY AND RADIATION PROTECTION