ASN Report 2020

In2020,ASNcarriedout44 inspections: 2at theMontsd’Arrée Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) undergoing decommissioning, 40 in small-scale nuclear activities and 2 in the transport of radioactive substances. In 2020, 2 significant events in the medical sector were rated level 1 on the International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale (INES scale). Brennilis nuclear power plant The Brennilis NPP is situated in the Finistère département , on the Monts d’Arrée site 55 km north of Quimper. Baptised EL4-D, this installation (BNI 162) is an industrial electricity production prototype (70 Megawatts electric – MWe) moderated with heavy water and cooled with carbon dioxide, and it was definitively shut down in 1985. Decree 2011-886 of 27 July 2011 authorised the NPP decommissioning operations, with the exception of the reactor block. In July 2018, EDF submitted an application file for the complete decommissioning of its installation. This file is currently being examined by ASN. During 2020, EDF more specifically: • continued the preparatory work for reactor block decommissioning, • started the reactor block sample-taking operations, authorised by ASN resolution of 20 September 2019, • continued demobilisation of the former Effluent Treat- ment Station (STE) decommissioning worksite and, at the request of ASN, had deep soil samples taken from ground beneath the STE for analysis, • implemented the protocol authorised in January 2020 for the gradual and controlled raising of the water table level. Some operations, such as taking samples from the reactor block, were delayed due to the restrictions imposed to combat the Covid‑19 pandemic. The activities were nevertheless resumed at the end of 2020. ASN considers that the licensee is conducting its work in compliance with the safety and radiation protection requirements and is demonstrating transparency in the detection, handling and analysis of the malfunctions and events occurring on its site. In 2021, ASN will continue its examination of the complete decommissioning f ile and of the concluding report on the Brennilis site periodic safety review submitted at the end of 2019. Bretagne Region The Nantes division regulates radiation protection and the transport of radioactive substances in the 4 départements of the Bretagne region. The Caen division regulates the nuclear safety of the Monts d’Arrée Nuclear Power Plant (Brennilis), currently undergoing decommissioning. THE INSTALLATIONS AND ACTIVITIES TO REGULATE COMPRISES: the Basic Nuclear Installation: • the Monts d’Arrée (Brennilis) NPP, undergoing decommissioning; small-scale nuclear activities in the medical sector: • 10 external-beam radiotherapy departments, • 5 brachytherapy departments, • 10 nuclear medicine departments, • 40 centres using interventional procedures, • 54 computed tomography scanners, • some 2,500 medical and dental radiology devices; small-scale nuclear activities in the veterinary, industrial and research sectors: • 1 cyclotron, • 12 industrial radiography companies, including 4 performing gamma radiography, • about 450 industrial equipment and research licenses; activities associated with the transport of radioactive substances; ASN-approved laboratories and organisations: • 5 organisations approved for radiation protection controls, • 14 organisations approved for measuring radon, • 3 head-off ices of laboratories approved for taking environmental radioactivity measurements. p. 206 p. 238 p. 266 ASN Report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2020 51 REGIONAL OVERVIEWOF NUCLEAR SAFETY AND RADIATION PROTECTION