ASN Report 2020

As regards environmental protection, ASN considers that the Gravelines NPPmust improve its management of the mainten­ ance of equipment that uses the insulating greenhouse gas (sulphur hexafluoride –SF 6 ) and the facilities for treating the radioactive effluents produced by reactor operation. With regard to radiation protection, ASN continues to f ind weaknesses in the control of access to certain areas presenting radiological exposure risks. Improvements are also expected in the monitoring of worksites involving internal contamination risks which were once again the cause of significant radiation protection events in 2020. 38 labour inspection operations were carried out in the Gravelines NPP in 2020. The inspections are divided between inspections conducted on the maintenance worksites, particularly during reactor outages, and thematic inspections (exposure to chemical risks, lifting risks, electrical risks). Meetings were also organised with senior management, members of the health, safety and working conditions committee, and personnel representatives. ASN has effectively been attentive to the adaptations of the safety instructions on account of the Covid-19 pandemic, and to compliance with them. The accident rate, widened to include accidents both with and without sick leave, is the highest of all the NPPs, but there were no serious accidents in 2020. ASN Report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2020 65 REGIONAL OVERVIEWOF NUCLEAR SAFETY AND RADIATION PROTECTION HAUTS-DE-FRANCE