ASN Report 2020

The complementary studies announced in the f iles were submitted in the first quarter 2019. In its examination of the periodic safety review reports received in 2017 and 2018, ASN identif ied that the CEA had to provide complementary information on the state of the soils, the decommissioning plan and the safety analysis report, particularly concerning the demonstration of control of the fire risks and seismic risks. Initial responses were provided in 2020 and the remainder will be submitted in 2021. ASN has also observed through inspections that a specif ic organisation has been in place since September 2020 for the periodic safety reviews. This seems to be appropriate, but it must prove its effectiveness. Assessment of the CEA Fontenay-aux-Roses site To cope with the health crisis, the CEA Paris-Saclay centre rapidly implemented its activity continuity plan. The large majority of the worksites on the Fontenay-aux‑Roses site were shut down safely and only the essential activities were maintained during the lockdown. The interruption of the operating activities, the restriction of movements and the non-availability of certain service providers meant that certain regulatory inspections could not be performed. Resumption of the operating activities was subsequently authorised by the Director of the centre after carrying out a safety analysis and the appropriate checks. The inspections carried out in 2020 showed that the licensee has good command of the management processes for noteworthy modifications and the transport of radioactive substances. The first actions decided by the CEA to remedy the deviations observed in radiation protection during the ASN inspections in 2019 are satisfactory and must be continued. Several significant events in 2020 are linked to the presence of legacy contaminations, which were unknown to the CEA, in some pipes and ventilation ducts of the facilities. ASN will keep track of the investigation results and their follow-ups. ASN once again underlines the lateness in conducting the studies, in the project programming and in the decommissioning schedule of the Fontenay‑aux‑Roses nuclear facilities. The CEA has nevertheless presented ASN with its forecasts concerning the coordination of the files and work planned on the site to reduce the source term within the facilities. ASN expects the CEA to continue to implement proactive measures to control and render reliable the time frames associated with these projects, particularly the deadlines announced for the submission of the decommissioning worksite preparatory studies, which will be examined by ASN. ASN Report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2020 73 REGIONAL OVERVIEWOF NUCLEAR SAFETY AND RADIATION PROTECTION ÎLE-DE-FRANCE