ASN Report 2020

The Caen division regulates nuclear safety, radiation protection and the transport of radioactive substances in the 5 départements of the Normandie region. Normandie Region In 2020, ASN carried out 188 inspections in Normandie, comprising 64 inspections in the Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs) of Flamanville, Paluel and Penly, 12 inspections on the construction site of the Flamanville 3 EPR reactor, 63 inspections on fuel cycle facilities, research facilities and facilities undergoingdecommissioning, 42 inspections in small-scale nuclear activities and 7 in the transport of radioactive substances. In addition to this, 15 days of labour inspectionwere carried out on theNPP sites and the Flamanville 3 construction site. In 2020, ASN was notified of 22 significant events rated level 1 on the International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale (INES scale), of which 19 occurred in Basic Nuclear Installations (BNIs) and 3 in small-scale nuclear activities. ASN inspectors issued 3 violation reports in the exercise of their oversight duties. Flamanville nuclear power plant Operated by EDF and situated in the Manche département in the municipality of Flamanville, 25 km south-west of Cherbourg, the Flamanville NPP comprises two pressurised water reactors, each of 1,300 Megawatts electric (MWe) commissioned in 1985 and 1986. Reactor 1 constitutes BNI 108 and reactor 2 BNI 109. ASN considers that the performance of the Flamanville NPP in the areas of nuclear safety and radiation protection is below the general assessment of the EDF plants. The environmental protection performance is improving and is in line with the general assessment of the EDF plants. ASN considers that the site’s performance in reactor operation and management must be further improved, as recurrent deviations have been observed in the application of the operating management procedures. ASN nevertheless takes positive note of the implementation of reactive improvement actions further to these events, particularly with regard to personnel training and activity preparation. Particular attention must be paid to ensuring that these actions continue over the long term. With regard to the maintenance operations, the licensee took advantage of the outages of the two reactors to perform compliance work on various items of equipment important for safety. The licensee also detected and corrected numerous anomalies in the application of the preventive maintenance programmes. ASN considers that the compliance work on the facilities is satisfactory but the licensee must never­ theless remain vigilant about controlling the quality of the maintenance operations. The site’s performance in occupational radiation protection in 2020 remained insufficient. ASN considers firstly that skills organisation and management within the risk prevention department must be improved. Numerous deviations were also detected regarding compliance with the conditions of access to and work in certain premises. Lastly, progress is expected in implementation of the optimisation principle in the preparation of work involving greater radiation exposure risks. In September 2019, ASN decided to place the Flamanville Nuclear Power Plant under tightened monitoring further to the difficulties EDF encountered during the two ten-yearly outages. During 2020, the licensee continued to implement its action plan to improve operating rigour. Improvements have been observed in the condition of the facilities and the detection of anomalies in the field. A number of deviations linked to the condition of the equipment were thus able to be remedied. The licensee has moreover carried out substantial compliance work on its facility, particularly concerning the emergency diesel generator sets. ASN nevertheless observes persistent deficiencies in the command of certain activities and will be attentive to ensuring that the new practices are properly taken on board by all the workers, especially those of outside contractors. EDF must submit a revised action plan in 2021 targeting the lines for improvement still to be deployed. 74 ASN Report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2020 REGIONAL OVERVIEWOF NUCLEAR SAFETY AND RADIATION PROTECTION