ASN Report 2020

The Marseille division regulates nuclear safety, radiation protection and the transport of radioactive substances in the 6 départements of the Provence‑Alpes‑Côte d’Azur region. Provence-Alpes‑Côte d’Azur Region In 2020, ASN carried out 95 inspections in the Provence- Alpes-Côte d’Azur (PACA) region, comprising 52 inspections inBasicNuclear Installations (BNIs), 38 inspections in small- scale nuclear activities, 1 in the transport of radioactive substances and4 concerningorganisations and laboratories approved by ASN. During 2020, no significant events rated level 1 on the International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale (INES scale) were reported by nuclear installation licensees. In small-scale nuclear activities, 2 significant events rated level 1 on the INES scale were reported to ASN (1 in the industrial sector and 1 in the medical sector). CADARACHE SITE CEA Cadarache centre Created in 1959, the CEA Cadarache centre is situated in the municipality of Saint-Paul-lez-Durance in the Bouches‑du‑Rhône département and covers a surface area of 1,600 hectares. This site focuses its activity primarily on nuclear energy and, as concerns its civil installations in operation, on research and development to support and optimise the existing reactors and the design of new- generation systems. The following BNIs are located on the site: • the Pégase‑Cascad installation (BNI 22); • the Cabri research reactor (BNI 24); • the Rapsodie research reactor (BNI 25); • the Solid Waste Treatment Station (STD – BNI 37-A); • the Active Effluent Treatment Station (STE – BNI 37-B); • the Plutonium Technology Facility (ATPu – BNI 32); • the Masurca research reactor (BNI 39); • the Éole research reactor (BNI 42); • the enriched UraniumProcessing Facilities (ATUe – BNI 52); • the Central Fissile Material Warehouse (MCMF – BNI 53); • the Chemical Purif ication Laboratory (LPC – BNI 54); • the High-Activity Laboratory LECA‑STAR (BNI 55); • the solid radioactive waste storage area (BNI 56); • the Phébus research reactor (BNI 92); • the Minerve research reactor (BNI 95); • the Laboratory for research and experimental fabrication of advanced nuclear fuels (Lefca – BNI 123); • the Chicade laboratory (BNI 156); • the Cedra storage facility (BNI 164); • the Magenta storage warehouse (BNI 169); • the Effluent advanced management and processing facility (Agate – BNI 171); • the Jules Horowitz Reactor (RJH – BNI 172) under construction. At the Cadarache centre, 10 installations are in final shutdown status, 10 are in operation and one is under construction. The CEA Cadarache centre operates numerous installations which vary in their nature and their safety implications. ASN has moreover started, is continuing or has f inalised the examination of the periodic safety review guidance files or the conclusion reports for 17 of the 21 installations: Pégase‑Cascad, Cabri, Rapsodie, STD, STE, ATPu, Éole, ATUe, MCMF, LPC, STAR, the waste storage area, Phébus, Minerve, Chicade, Cedra and Magenta. When examining these reports, ASN is particularly attentive to the robustness of the proposed and deployed action plans. It ensures that the installations are in conformity with the applicable regulations and that the risks and adverse effects are effectively controlled. Pégase‑Cascad facility – CEA Centre The Pégase reactor (BNI 22) entered service on the Cadarache site in 1964 and was operated for about 10 years. The CEA was authorised by a Decree of 17 April 1980 to reuse the Pégase facility for the storage of radioactive substances, in particular spent fuel elements stored in a pool. This facility, which does not meet current safety requirements for storage facilities, has received no more radioactive substances for storage since 2008. Although a large proportion of the stored substances has been removed from the facility, the CEA is signif icantly behind schedule with some of the 92 ASN Report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2020 REGIONAL OVERVIEWOF NUCLEAR SAFETY AND RADIATION PROTECTION