ASN Report 2020

Introduction III
Roles IV
Operations V
Key figures in 2020 VI
ASN Organisation Chart IX
Editorial by the Commission 2
Editorial by the Director General 8
The impact of Covid-19 12
ASN assessments 14
Notable events 2020 22
Regulatory news 34
Regional overview of nuclear safety and radiation protection 38
01 - Nuclear activities: ionising radiation and health and environmental risks 100
02 - The principles of nuclear safety and radiation protection and the regulation and oversight stakeholders 120
03 - Regulation of nuclear activities and exposure to ionising radiation 146
04 - Radiological emergency and post-accident situations 172
05 - Informing the public and other audiences 184
06 - International relations 194
07 - Medical uses of ionising radiation 206
08 - Sources of ionising radiation and their industrial, veterinary and research applications 238
09 - Transport of radioactive substances 266
10 - EDF Nuclear Power Plants 284
11 - “Nuclear fuel cycle” installations 320
12 - Nuclear research and miscellaneous industrial facilities 330
13 - Decommissioning of Basic Nuclear Installations 338
14 - Radioactive waste and contaminated sites and soils 354
Appendix 374