ASN Report 2021

ASN assessments per licensee EDF The nuclear power plants in operation For EDF, the year was particularly dense in terms of industrial activity, after a 2020 which was disrupted by the Covid‑19 pandemic. ASN nonetheless considers that the quality of operation of the installations remained at a satisfactory level. However, the safety performance of some of the Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs) appears to be falling short continually. Progress was observed with regard to radiation protection, after two years of regression; this should be confirmed in 2022. The end of 2021 was marked by the discovery of cracks on systems connected to the main lines of the primary system of several reactors. OPERATION The quality of the monitoring of operating parameters in the control room remained at a satisfactory level in 2021. The improvements observed in 2020 continued, despite an increase in the industrial activity of the NPPs. However, there was a rise in the number of situations in which the reactor was operated outside the planned limits, with their number in 2021 being equivalent to that observed in 2019. To control the fire risk, EDF must further improve management of equipment temporary storage sites and warehouses, which represent signif icant calorif ic potential, along with management of sectorisation in order to contain any outbreak of f ire. The organisation put into place to manage skills, qualifications and training remained on the whole satisfactory in 2021, despite the training diff iculties owing to the Covid-19 pandemic. In 2021, ASN observed good management of accident situation operating procedures. EDF took measures to remedy the errors and ambiguities contained in the operating documents used by the operating crews in these situations. The ASN inspections focusing on the emergency organisation and resources conf irmed that the organisation, preparedness and management principles for emergency situations covered by an On-site Emergency Plan (PUI) have been correctly assimilated. However, EDF needs to continue its efforts regarding response times in the event of an emergency situation. The analyses conducted by the sites further to significant events are generally relevant and the identif ication of organisational causes continues to progress. ASN observes that the origin of many events lies in problems with the quality of the documentation placed at the disposal of the teams in charge of reactor operation or maintenance; problems are continuing with the creation and updating processes for this documentation. ASN ASSESSMENTS ASN carries out its oversight role by using the regulatory framework and individual resolutions, inspections, and if necessary, enforcement measures and penalties, in a way that is complementary and tailored to each situation, to ensure optimal control of the risks nuclear activities represent for people and the environment. ASN reports on its duties and produces an assessment of the actions of each licensee, in each activity sector. 12 ASN Report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2021