THE CONFORMITY OF THE FACILITIES For several years now, ASN has found that the management of deviations affecting the facilities has improved. More specifically, EDF is placing greater emphasis on remedying any deviations rapidly. The efforts must be continued so that the new process implemented can be a lasting one. However, as in previous years, ASN considers that the compliance of the facilities with the rules applicable to them needs to be significantly improved. EDF must continue the targeted inspection actions it has been gradually deploying over the last few years. More particularly, the specif ic inspections implemented during the fourth tenyearly outages are enabling a large number of deviations to be detected. Some of these deviations date back to the construction of the reactors, while others arose when making modif ications to the facilities. At the end of 2021, EDF detected stress corrosion cracking on systems connected to the main lines of the primary system on several reactors. This subject will lead to a large-scale inspection and repair programme. MAINTENANCE Generally speaking, the organisation adopted by the NPPs for large-scale maintenance operations was relatively satisfactory in 2021. ASN finds that EDF is giving greater priority to ensuring a calm climate for maintenance and modification work during reactor outages, which contributes to safety. However, in 2021, ASN still found areas for improvement with regard to reactor maintenance, such as the consideration of various hazards generated by the activities, their correct preparation, and the quality of technical oversight. With regard to the numerous maintenance activities resulting f rom the continued operation of the reactors and the major overhaul work, ASN considers that it is important for EDF to maintain the efforts started in order to remedy these difficulties and improve the quality of its maintenance activities. Concerning EDF’s monitoring of the subcontracted activities, the improvements observed in 2019 and 2020 were confirmed in 2021, even if weak points remain present on certain sites. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ASN considers that management of discharges from the various NPPs is on the whole handled satisfactorily. In 2021, ASN’s inspections with situational exercises showed that most of the NPPs are capable of ensuring the containment of a large volume of hazardous liquid substances in an accident situation. They also identif ied corrective measures to be taken. Inspections were also carried out by ASN on the prevention of leaks of sulphur hexafluoride, a gas with a signif icant greenhouse effect. The action plan def ined by EDF to prevent, detect and reactively repair leaks is satisfactory and its implementation should continue. ASN considers that corrective measures must be taken regarding waste management, notably in terms of signage, compliance with the baseline requirements for operation of outdoor areas and storage in unauthorised areas. WORKER RADIATION PROTECTION AND OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY In 2021, ASN found improvements in the handling of the issues related to worker radiation protection in several NPPs, after the deteriorations observed in 2019 and 2020. However, behavioural anomalies persist and the situation remains a subject of concern on certain sites. EDF must continue with the steps taken to improve the way in which radiation protection is handled. The occupational health and safety situation degraded in the second half of 2021, as the number of accidents and events with potentially serious consequences actually increased. Progress is expected in 2022 to improve the management of situations that are hazardous for the workers, notably with regard to working equipment and lifting gear, explosion and f ire hazards and electrical hazards in particular. CONTINUED OPERATION OF THE REACTORS The ambitious modif ications EDF intends making to the facilities and the operational methods within the framework of the reactor periodic safety reviews are significantly improving the safety of the facilities and will enable their level of safety to be brought closer in line with that of the third generation reactors. EDF is deploying considerable engineering resources for these reviews. ASN considers that all the provisions specif ied by EDF and those that it itself stipulates, open up the prospect of continued operation of the 900 Megawatts electric (MWe) reactors for the ten years following their fourth periodic safety review. Implementation of this review on each reactor includes specific examinations and will take account of the particularities of each installation. The pace of the fourth ten-yearly outages of the 900 MWe reactors has accelerated: in 2021, EDF started four ten-yearly outages, which took place satisfactorily, and began preparatory work for the subsequent ones. INDIVIDUAL NPP ASSESSMENTS The ASN assessments of each NPP are detailed in the Regional Overview in this report. With regard to safety, the NPPs of Saint-Alban and Civaux stood out favourably in 2021. The NPPs of Golfech, Gravelines and, to a lesser extent, Flamanville, under-performed by comparison with the other reactors operated by EDF. With regard to radiation protection, the NPPs of Civaux, Paluel and Saint-Alban stood out positively. ASN considers that the NPPs of Dampierre-en-Burly, Gravelines and, to a lesser extent, Cruas-Meysse, under-performed. With regard to environmental protection, the Saint-Laurentdes-Eaux NPP stood out positively. On the other hand, the NPPs of Dampierre-en-Burly and, to a lesser extent, Chinon and Cruas‑Meysse, under-performed. ASN Report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2021 13 ASN ASSESSMENTS PER LICENSEE AND BY ACTIVITY SECTOR