∙ The Advisory Committee for the Radiation Protection of Workers and the Public for Industrial and Research Applications, as well as for ionising radiation of natural origin and in the environment (GPRADE) whose mandate expired on 31 December 2021 (see box below); ∙ The Advisory Committee for the Radiation Protection of Health Professionals, the Public and Patients for Medical and Forensic Applications of Ionising Radiation (GPMED) whose mandate expired on 31 December 2021 (see box below). For most of the subjects covered, the GPEs examine the reports produced by IRSN, by an expert working group or by one of the ASN departments. The representatives of the ASN departments or external structures which carried out the expert assessment prior to a GPE meeting, present their conclusions to the group. Following each consultation, the GPE consulted can send the ASN Director General a written opinion, plus recommendations where necessary. The contents of the dossier are made available to the members of the GPEs so that they can reach an informed and independent conclusion. This independent perspective is of use for the decision-making process. In addition to being consulted on the dossiers submitted by a licensee, the Advisory Committees act as guarantor of nuclear safety and radiation protection doctrine and contribute to its development. They can be invited to take part in the debate on changes to regulations, or on a general nuclear safety or radiation protection topic. TABLE Advisory Committee meetings in 2021 GPE DATE MAIN TOPIC GPD 23 March 2021 • Examination of the general safety guidance notice regarding the search for a site capable of accepting low level, long-lived waste (LLW-LL), published by ASN on 5 May 2008, with a view to its transformation to a Guidelines document. GPDEM 11 March 2021 • Examination of the complete decommissioning f ile for BNI 62 on EDF’s Monts d’Arrée site (Brennilis NPP). GPR 10 June 2021 • Analysis of experience feedback from operation of the NPP reactors over the period 2018-2019. GPRADE and GPMED 4 March 2021 • Update of the national Guidelines Medical intervention in the case of a nuclear or radiological event. • Draft methodological guidelines for evaluation of the radiological risk to wild fauna and flora (specific GPRADE subject). GPRADE and GPMED 8 April 2021 • Recommendations on Advisory Committee on Radiation Protection changes. GPMED 18 May 2021 • Results of inspections in radiotherapy, brachytherapy and Fluoroscopy-Guided Interventional Practices (FGIPs) and feedback fromevents reported. • Changes to the Advisory Committees for Radiation Protection and guidelines for the programme of work for the next mandate. • Exchanges and discussions concerning themodification of ASN resolution 2008-DC-0095 of 29 January 2008 setting the technical rules to be followed by the disposal of effluent and waste contaminated by radionuclides, or liable to be so, as a result of a nuclear activity […]. GPRADE 18 June 2021 • Revision of the Order of 1 September 2003 concerning the calculationmethods for effective doses and dose equivalents, and regulatory news. • Changes to the Advisory Committees for Radiation Protection and guidelines for the programme of work for the next mandate. • Exchanges and discussions concerning the modif ication of ASN resolution 2008-DC-0095 of 29 January 2008 setting the technical rules to be followed by the disposal of effluent and waste contaminated by radionuclides, or liable to be so, as a result of a nuclear activity […]. • GPRADE opinion on the draft methodological guidelines for evaluation of the radiological risk to wild fauna and flora. GPRADE and GPMED 7 December 2021 • Opinion of the GPRADE and GPMED concerning the guidelines for the programme of work for the next mandate of the Advisory Committees for Radiation Protection. • Progress of the procedure to appoint members of the Advisory Committee for Radiation Protection (GPRP) and theWorking Group for the Radiation Protection of Patients (GTRPP). • Update of the national Guidelines Medical intervention in the case of a nuclear or radiological event. 1 COMPOSITION OF THE ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR RADIATION PROTECTION AND OF A WORKING GROUP IN CHARGE OF RADIATION PROTECTION OF PATIENTS In January 2022, ASN is setting up a single Advisory Committee for Radiation Protection (GPRP) to continue the roles performed by the Advisory Committees for Radiation Protection (GPRADE and GPMED), whose mandates expired on 31 December 2021. The duty of this Advisory Committee is to inform ASN on questions regarding: ཛྷ radiation protection of workers, the public and the environment, for the medical and forensic, veterinary, industrial and research applications of ionising radiation, as well as for naturally occurring ionising radiation (radon, cosmic or telluric radiation); ཛྷ the radiation protection of patients. Owing to the specific nature of the subjects regarding the radiation protection of patients, a specific Working Group (WG) has been created for these questions (GTRPP), and reports to the GPRP. In order to create this Advisory Committee and this Working Group, whose mandate began on 15 January 2022 for a period of four years, a call for candidates was organised in 2021. The selection committee met on 26 November 2021 and, on the basis of its proposals, the ASN Director General defined the composition of the GP and WG, selecting 36 experts for the GPRP and 25 experts for the GTRPP (including nine experts common to the two groups). For the GPRP, Mr. Jean-Luc Godet is appointed Chairman and Messrs. Pierre Barbey and Thierry Sarrazin, Vice‑Chairmen. For the GTRPP, Mr. Thierry Sarrazin is appointed Chairman and Mr. Nicolas Stritt, Vice-Chairman. 136 ASN Report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2021 02 – THE PRINCIPLES OF NUCLEAR SAFETY AND RADIATION PROTECTION AND THE REGULATION AND OVERSIGHT STAKEHOLDERS