preparing for and implementing the necessary measures to manage a post-accident situation. In order to develop a doctrine and after testing post-accident management during national and international exercises, ASN brought all the players concerned together within the Steering Committee responsible for Post-Accident Management (Codirpa). This Committee, headed by ASN, has representatives from the ministerial departments concerned, the health agencies, associations, the CLIs, and IRSN. The work of the Codirpa is presented in greater detail in chapter 4. 2.6.3 The Committee for the Analysis of New Techniques and Practices using Ionising Radiation The Committee for the Analysis of New Techniques and Practices using Ionising Radiation (Canpri) was created on 8 July 2019. This Committee is chaired by ASN and comprises 16 experts appointed by ASN, from learned societies, along with representatives of the French health institutions. This Committee met on 13 April and 14 December 2021. 2.6.4 The other pluralistic working groups Considering that it was necessary to move forward with regard to the reflections and work being done on the contribution of humans and organisations to the safety of nuclear facilities, ASN decided in 2012 to set up the Steering Committee for Social, Organisational and Human Factors (Cofsoh). The endpurposes of the Cofsoh are firstly to allow exchanges between the stakeholders on the difficult subject of social, organisational and human factors, and secondly to draw up documents proposing joint positions by the various members on given subjects, and to propose directions for studies to be undertaken, in order to clarify subjects that lack data or clarity. ASN also heads the national Committee in charge of monitoring the National Plan for the management of radon risks. In 2019 and 2020, the Committee drew up the fourth radon Plan for the period 2020-2024, which was published in early 2021 (see chapter 1). The Committee met six times for this purpose. Within the framework of this plan, ASN has since 2018 been heading a working group in charge of coordinating communication measures regarding management of the radon risk. 2.7 The other stakeholders As part of its mission to protect the general public from the health risks of ionising radiation, ASN cooperates closely with other institutional stakeholders with competence for health issues. 2.7.1 The National Agency for the Safety of Medication and Health Products The National Agency for the Safety of Medication and Health Products (ANSM) was created on 1 May 2012. The ANSM, a public institution reporting to the Ministry in charge of health, has taken up the functions of the French Health Products Safety Agency (AFSSAPS) alongside other new responsibilities. Its key roles are to offer all patients equitable access to innovation and to guarantee the safety of health products throughout their life cycle, from initial testing through to monitoring after receiving marketing authorisation. The Agency and its activities are presented on its website This agreement is currently being renewed. 2.7.2 French National Authority for Health The essential role of the French National Authority for Health (HAS), an independent administrative Authority created in 2004, is to maintain an equitable health system and improve the quality of patient care. The Authority and its activities are presented on its website There has been an ASN-HAS agreement since 2008; it was renewed on 2 March 2021 for a six-year period. An ASN-HAS action plan is appended to this agreement and is regularly updated. 2.7.3 French National Cancer Institute Created in 2004, the French National Cancer Institute (INCa) is primarily responsible for coordinating activities in the fight against cancer. The Institute and its activities are presented on its website Regular discussions take place between INCa and ASN. 2.8 The safety regulators: an international comparison Table 2 describes the status and activities of the safety regulators. In terms of status, most of these regulatory authorities are Government or independent agencies. With regard to their activities, most of them regulate and oversee the complete spectrum of nuclear activities, including in terms of protection against malicious acts (except for France with regard to malicious acts). 3 // Financing the regulation of nuclear safety and radiation protection Since 2000, all the personnel and operating resources involved in the performance of the responsibilities entrusted to ASN have been covered by the State’s general budget. In the 2021 Budget Act, the ASN budget (action 9 of programme 181 “Risk prevention”) amounted to €67.15 million in payment credits. It included €49.41 million for personnel expenses and €17.74 million in payment credits for operating credits for ASN head office departments and its 11 regional divisions, and intervention credits. The ASN’s budget is divided among five different public policy programmes: ∙ action 9 “Regulation and oversight of nuclear safety and radiation protection” of programme 181 “Risk prevention” covers the ASN workforce and personnel credits, as well as the operating, investment and intervention spending incurred for the performance of its duties; ∙ in addition, a certain number of operating costs (for the headquarters and the regional divisions) are incorporated into the support programmes of the Ministry for the Economy, Finance and Recovery (programme 218), the Ministry for Ecological Transition (programme 217) and the General Secretariat of the Government (programme 354). ASN’s assets for these various programmes, in terms of both actions carried out for ASN and credits, cannot be identified with any accuracy owing to the overall, shared nature of these programmes; ∙ finally, pursuant to the provisions of Article L. 592-14 of the Environment Code, “ASN is consulted by the Government regarding the share of the State subsidy to IRSN corresponding to the technical support mission performed by this Institute on behalf of ASN”. These ASN Report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2021 139 02 – THE PRINCIPLES OF NUCLEAR SAFETY AND RADIATION PROTECTION AND THE REGULATION AND OVERSIGHT STAKEHOLDERS 08 07 13 04 10 06 12 14 03 09 05 11 02 01 AP