ASN support credits are part of action 11 “Research in the field of risks” of programme 190 “Research in the fields of sustainable energy, development and mobility”. The total IRSN budget for 2021 amounted for its part to €282 million, of which €83 million were devoted to the provision of technical support for ASN. The IRSN credits for providing ASN with technical support come in part (€41.8 million) from programme 190 (see below). The rest (€41.9 million) comes from a contribution from the nuclear licensees. This contribution was put into place by the budget amendment Act of 29 December 2010. In total, in 2021, the State’s budget for transparency and the regulation of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France amounted to €275.1 million. By way of comparison, the amount of taxes collected by ASN in 2021 amounted to €767.18 million: ∙ €560.3 million from BNI taxes (paid into the State’s general budget); ∙ €126.18 million from additional “support”, “disposal” and “research” taxes (allocated to various establishments, including Andra, municipalities and Public Interest Groupings –GIP); ∙ €80.7 million from the special contribution for the management of radioactive waste (allocated to Andra). This complex funding structure is detrimental to the overall clarity of the cost of regulation. It moreover leads to difficulties in terms of budgetary preparation, arbitration and implementation. 4 // Outlook The year 2022 will again be marked by the analysis of the organisational lessons learned from the pandemic. A new home-working system will be implemented, to take advantage of these new working methods, while preserving the collective approach. The activity continuity plan will continue to be updated. With regard to the new inspection methods (on-site and remotely), the work already done on the framework for remote inspections will be continued, in order to clarify which subjects are suitable for a documentary approach, while aiming to avoid increasing the time spent on documentary analysis to the detriment of time spent in the field. With regard to skills, ASN will continue to consolidate its skills, on the one hand by modifying its training methods, giving greater importance to evaluation and self-training and, on the other, by continuing with its policy of developing senior positions, which will be occupied by staff with solid professional experience in the fields of nuclear safety and radiation protection, or those which contribute to this (support or transverse functions). In budgetary and financial terms, ASN’s objectives are to consolidate the financing of both its operations and its expert assessment capacity, and to protect its budgetary independence. In 2022, in terms of expert assessment, the new agreement between ASN and its technical support organisation, IRSN, will be implemented. The composition of six of the eight Advisory Committees (GPDEM, GPR, GPU, GPT, GPD, GPESPN) will be renewed. Meetings will be maintained and, depending on the health conditions, the interaction and contribution methods will be adapted. In 2022, ASN will draw up its new Multi-year Strategic Plan, which will from now on cover a five-year period. TABLE Breakdown of licensee contributions LICENSEE AMOUNT FOR 2021 (millions of euros) BNI TAX ADDITIONAL WASTE AND DISPOSAL TAXES SPECIAL ANDRA CONTRIBUTION CONTRIBUTION ON BEHALF OF IRSN EDF 530.60 96.67 63.00 47.48 Orano‑Framatome 18.52 6.20 4.00 5.71 CEA 4.51 18.34 13.70 7.08 Andra 5.41 3.30 - 0.40 Others 1.26 1.67 - 0.71 Total 560.30 126.18 80.70 61.38 (*) (*) The amount allocated to IRSN is capped at €61.38 M. 3 140 ASN Report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2021 02 – THE PRINCIPLES OF NUCLEAR SAFETY AND RADIATION PROTECTION AND THE REGULATION AND OVERSIGHT STAKEHOLDERS