CLIs through its group of scientific experts. In 2021, it responded to several requests, for example on the subject of monitoring the tritium in the River Loire (Val de Loire CLI) and soil pollution (Chinon CLI). Some CLIs call upon external service providers to advise them concerning technical files on which they wish to take a stance. The CLIs and informing the various audiences The CLIs organise plenary meetings and set up specialist commissions. The TECV Act obliges each CLI to hold at least one public meeting per year. ASN promotes exchanges of good practices in order to make these public meetings moments of worthwhile discussion and opportunities to contribute to having a well-informed population. The majority of the CLIs have a website or have pages on the website of the local authority that supports them; some twenty CLIs publish a newsletter (sometimes as inserts in the news bulletin of a local authority). As in 2020, the CLI conference in 2021 was revisited so that it could be held remotely. It brought together 200 participants via a digital platform. The programme included two round tables on the challenges of decommissioning and representation of the nuclear risk. 2.4.4 National Association of Local Information Committees and Commissions Article L. 125-32 of the Environment Code provides for the setting up of an association of CLIs (see point 2.4.3), and the Decree of 12 March 2008 details the mandate of this federation. Anccli brings together the 34 French CLIs and the 34 committees put in place for the defence-related installations. The Anccli has a scientific committee and has set up five thematic advisory groups (“Radioactive materials and waste”, “Post-accident –territories”, “Safety”, “Decommissioning” and “Health”). It is also heavily involved in the discussion and interchange bodies set up by its partners (HCTISN, ASN, IRSN, etc.). Partnership with ASN Anccli interchanges with ASN very regularly and participates in several of its permanent or occasional working groups. Anccli fosters the enhancing of the technical competence of CLI members by organising thematic seminars with IRSN in the context of its expert assessment work carried out for ASN. Anccli, with ASN and IRSN, maintains a technical dialogue on the high-stake issues and takes part in the public consultations on nuclear questions. Each year, ASN organises the national conference of CLIs (see above) in cooperation with Anccli. The activity of Anccli Anccli runs the network of CLIs that it represents. By ensuring a regular watch and issuing clarifications and information that can be readily understood by the general public, Anccli helps give the CLIs the means to fulfil their duties of informing the various audiences. Attentive to the concerns of the CLIs and in relation with diverse sources of expertise, Anccli conducts national reflections on nuclear safety issues and widely passes on the results of this work (Anccli positions) to the national and European bodies and to local elected officials and CLI audiences. Round table at the 33rd CLI conference, with the Chairmen of ASN and Anccli 188 ASN Report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2021 05 – INFORMING THE PUBLIC AND OTHER AUDIENCES