ASN Report 2021

reactor, extension of the lifetime of the American reactors, inspections concerning fraud and the processing of whistle-blower reports, and changing inspection practices in the wake of the pandemic. The ASN Director General, who is also President of WENRA, also gave an update on the activities of the association. INDIA The ASN Chairman met his counterpart from the Indian Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB) in September, in the margins of the IAEA General Conference. This meeting was the opportunity to sign the extension of the cooperation agreement in place between the two countries for more than two decades, and to confirm the mutual desire to organise a bilateral in-person meeting in 2022. IRELAND Exchanges with Ireland resumed on 1 July 2021 with a meeting between ASN and its Irish counterpart (Environmental Protection Agency –EPA) in charge of radiation protection. This meeting was an opportunity to discuss the topics of radon, management of emergency situations, the implementation of the European Directive on radiation protection basic standards in Ireland, the graded approach, and justification in the medical field in France. JAPAN For the first time since the beginning of the pandemic, the Chairmen of ASN and the Japanese Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA) were able to meet in person on 20 September, in the margins of the IAEA General Conference. This meeting was notably an opportunity to define the priority topics to be discussed at the next high-level meeting, which should be held in Japan in 2022. These topics more particularly concern SMRs, risk culture and safety and radiation protection culture, along with the conditions for the continued operation of the electricity generating reactors. At the same time, information exchanges continued throughout the year on topical subjects in the two countries, as well as on implementation of a specific agreement between the two authorities concerning sharing of experience between inspectors. An ASN Commissioner is also taking part in the expert mission set up by the IAEA to audit the project for the discharge at sea of decontaminated water from the Fukushima Daiichi NPP. LUXEMBOURG The Franco-Luxembourg joint Commission on nuclear safety held its 19th meeting on 2 February 2021 remotely. The Commission comprises the national and Prefect level competent authorities and the Ministries of Foreign Affairs. It discussed recent developments in the two countries in the fields of nuclear safety and radiation protection, including the 2020 results for the Cattenom NPP, latest news in the medical fields (graded approach and radiotherapy inspections), periodic safety reviews on the French nuclear reactors, and the preparation for and management of emergency situations. NORWAY By video-conference, a high-level meeting was held on 28 May 2021 between ASN and its Norwegian counterpart (Direktoratet for Strålevern og Atomtryggleik –DSA). This meeting covered topical regulatory subjects, the radon problem, radiation protection and its justification principle in the medical field, French regulations concerning the management of nuclear medicine effluents and the management of emergency situations. POLAND A remote high-level bilateral meeting was held on 10 June 2021 between the Polish safety regulator (Państwowa Agencja Atomistyki –PAA) and ASN. The meeting was an opportunity for discussions on topical subjects in the two countries, notably concerning the future Polish nuclear programme and the construction of the Flamanville EPR reactor. The meeting gave the two Authorities the opportunity to reaffirm their intention to continue their cooperation, notably for the future construction of electricity generating reactors in Poland. RUSSIA The high-level bilateral meeting by video-conference on 26 May 2021 with the Russian safety regulator Rostechnadzor, was the opportunity for discussions on the latest regulatory developments in the two countries. An update was given on the high-level waste geological disposal projects and on the decommissioning of graphite reactors and the safety of SMRs. Finally, technical cooperation projects were discussed. SWEDEN The annual meeting between ASN and its Swedish counterpart (Strålsäkerhetsmyndigheten –SSM) was held virtually on 19 November 2021. The discussions primarily concerned waste management and decommissioning. Technical discussion meetings between experts are being scheduled for 2022. The two Authorities also held virtual meetings during technical discussions with the Orléans regional division. SWITZERLAND The Franco-Swiss commission was created as an inter-governmental body and involves several competent authorities at both national and local levels. This Commission met on 13 and 14 January 2021. With regard to ASN, this Commission involves both the head office departments and the Lyon and Strasbourg regional divisions. On 6 and 7 December 2021, the FrancoSwiss nuclear emergency expert group met remotely for technical discussions on nuclear emergency and post-accident management. Signing of the extension of the cooperation agreement between the Indian safety regulator and ASN – September 2021 200 ASN Report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2021 06 – INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS