ASN Report 2021

1 Radiation protection and medical uses of ionising radiation P. 204 1.1 The different activity categories 1.2 Exposure situations in the medical sector 1.2.1 Exposure of health professionals 1.2.2 Exposure of patients 1.2.3 Exposure of the public 1.2.4 The environmental impact 1.3 Regulations 1.3.1 General regulations 1.3.2 Medical devices and radiopharmaceuticals 1.3.3 Administrative procedures 1.3.4 The particularities of radiation protection of patients 1.4 The risks and oversight priorities 1.5 Significant radiation protection events 2 Nuclear-based medical activities P. 209 2.1 External-beam radiotherapy 2.1.1 Presentation of the techniques 2.1.2 Technical rules applicable to external‑beam radiotherapy installations 2.1.3 Radiation protection situation in external-beam radiotherapy 2.2 Brachytherapy 2.2.1 Presentation of the techniques 2.2.2 Technical rules applicable to brachytherapy installations 2.2.3 Radiation protection situation in brachytherapy 2.3 Nuclear medicine 2.3.1 Presentation of the techniques 2.3.2 Technical rules applicable to nuclear medicine facilities 2.3.3 Radiation protection situation in nuclear medicine 2.4 Fluoroscopy-guided interventional practices 2.4.1 Presentation of the techniques 2.4.2 Technical rules for the fitting out of medical rooms 2.4.3 Radiation protection situation in fluoroscopy-guided interventional practices 2.5 Medical and dental radiodiagnosis 2.5.1 Overview of the equipment 2.5.2 Technical layout rules for medical and dental radiodiagnosis facilities 2.5.3 Radiation protection situation: focus on the computed tomography scanner 2.5.4 Significant events inmedical and dental radiodiagnosis 2.6 Blood product irradiators 2.6.1 Presentation of the techniques 2.6.2 Technical rules applicable to facilities 2.7 Significant radiation protection events 3 Synthesis and prospects P. 230 202 ASN Report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2021