ASN opinion on the draft fifth plan Planning Act 2006-739 of 28 June 2006 on the sustainable management of radioactive materialsa nd waste stipulated the periodic drafting of a National Radioactive Materials and WasteManagement Plan (PNGMDR). This gives a detailed inventory of radioactive materials and wastemanagement systems, whether operational or to be deployed, and then makes recommendationso r sets targets to develop these systems. For the first time, the drafting of the 5th edition of the PNGMDR was preceded by a public debate, the conclusions of which were published in November 2019. On 21 February 2020, the Ministry in charge of energy and ASN published a joint decision further to this public debate. The management of the plan also changed in the light of the conclusions of this debate. In particular, as the PNGMDR is a governmental policy document, ASN is therefore no longer jointly responsible for production of the work. It nonetheless remains involved and, with the Ministry for Ecological Transition, co-chairs the working group responsible for monitoring implementation of the plan. In 2020 and 2021, ASN also issued seven opinions on the management of radioactive materials and waste as contributions to the drafting of the fifth PNGMDR, covering the period 2021-2025. The implementation of the orientations included in the 21 February 2020 decision was the subject of “guiding principles” established by the Ministry for Ecological Transition, which were debated at meetings of the pluralistic “Guidance Committee” chaired by an independent qualified personality. This Committee issued 11 opinions summarising the debates concerning each management route and each subject on which it worked. These “guiding principles” were also submitted to the public during the consultation following the public debate. MANAGEMENT OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIALS AND WASTE Disposal of a concrete container in a cell at the Aube repository 24 ASN Report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2021 NOTABLE EVENTS 2021