1 January 2019 act as notification acknowledgements until the license reaches term, on condition that in the interim there is no change in the nuclear activity. This means that a number of nuclear activities, though now subject to notification, are still regulated by a license. 2.4.3 The new registration system (simplified authorisation) The new registration system came into effect on 1 July 2021, after approval on 4 March 2021 of ASN resolution 2021-DC-0703 of 4 February 2021. This resolution governs nuclear activities in industry, research and veterinary applications, as nuclear activities for medical purposes that come under this system are governed by another resolution (see chapter 7). This system applies to certain sources of ionising radiation, whether in the form of sealed or unsealed radioactive sources, and X-ray generators, where the risks and drawbacks of possessing or using them can be prevented by complying with the specific general requirements set by the resolution. The resolution therefore defines, apart from the nuclear activities concerned, the content of the simplified authorisation application and the conditions for exercising (specific general requirements) the nuclear activity with which the licensees must comply. Its entry into effect marks the second stage –following that of extension of the notification system– of effective implementation of the reform of small-scale nuclear activity regulation, aiming to better materialise a graded approach to the risks. The resolution effectively implies significant alleviations in the administrative procedures compared with those for nuclear activities subject to licensing, such as: a simplified application (both in the infor– mation and the substantiation documents to provide), ten-year registration validity by default (and even unlimited validity by default for certain nuclear activities), the possibility of applying for registration via the on-line registration service which will be available on asn.fr, review and assessment by ASN within six months, with silence after six months being considered as acceptance of registration of the applicant nuclear activity. Entry into effect of the registration system should ultimately concern between 1,200 and 2,000 licensees in industry, research and veterinary applications, hitherto subject to the licensing system. However, as is the case with the notification system, the number will not be able to be accurately quantified until a five-year period has expired (1 July 2026). This is because, in accordance with the principle of grandfathering, the licenses issued before 1 July 2021 will act as registration until the license reaches term, on condition that in the interim there is no change in the nuclear activity. 2.4.4 Statistics for the year 2021 Suppliers In view of the fundamental role played by the suppliers of radioactive sources or devices containing them in the radiation protection of future users (see point 2.4.1), ASN exercises tightened oversight in this field. During 2021, 100 radioactive source supply license applications or license renewal applications were examined by ASN, and 33 inspections were carried out (all ionising radiation sources combined). Users The case of radioactive sources In 2021, ASN examined and notified 19 new licences, 250 license renewals or updates, 82 license cancellations, and issued for the first time 51 registration decisions. ASN also issued 956 notification acknowledgements for sealed radioactive sources. Graph 6 shows the regulatory acts issued by ASN for radioactive sources in 2021 and, where applicable, their development over the last five years. The entry into effect of ASN resolution 2018‑DC‑0649 of 18 October 2018 (see point 2.4.2) is the main reason for the very large drop in the number of licenses issued in favour of the issuance of notification acknowledgements, and illustrates the concrete application of the graded approach to risk control. This drop will become greater in the coming years as the new registration system (see point 2.4.3.) applicable since 1 July 2021 gradually increases in scale. THE PROTECTION OF RADIOACTIVE SOURCES AGAINST CYBERCRIME The aim of the regulations concerning the protection of sources against malicious acts put in place since 2016 is to ensure that this problem is given greater consideration in the organisation, functioning and the protection systems adopted by companies. This also concerns the security of sensitive information relating to the protection of sources and the information systems in which this information is processed and stored. This is moreover reflected in the increasing press coverage of computer attacks (cyberattacks) targeting French and foreign companies, hospitals or public services. In early 2021, a company licensed by ASN was the subject of such an attack. Documents relating to the protection of the site were stolen, thereby rendering the company potentially vulnerable and obliging it to reconsider some of its safety systems. The alert was given rapidly, which enabled the necessary steps to be taken (filing of a complaint, hiring of a specialised lawyer and the services of several digital investigation companies) with the aim of putting in place the necessary corrective actions and reinforcing digital security, such as: ཛྷ changing all the passwords with the application of tightened rules; ཛྷ looking for signs of compromise; ཛྷ updating of all the applications used; ཛྷ new segmentation of accesses; ཛྷ revision of the surveillance procedures for accounts, networks and firewalls. The operational and economic impact of such an attack is not negligible, whether on account of the time devoted to the technical and legal procedures, the need to adapt the technical or organisational systems for protection against malicious acts, the difficulty in identifying the sensitive information to protect in priority, or operation in degraded mode until normal operation can be restored. ASN was attentive to the measures taken by the company that suffered the cyberattack to restore a level corresponding to that required by the amended Order of 19 November 2019. A circular letter was also sent out to all companies licensed to possess or use category A, B or C radioactive sources. Urging them to be vigilant in this respect, this letter indicates more specifically that the ANSSI(1) makes available on its website several elements (computer graphics, guides, etc.) relative to cyberattacks and measures for reducing the probability of such acts occurring or mitigating their consequences, and a Computer Hygiene Guide in particular. ASN points out that digital documents containing “sensitive information” must systematically be ciphered. 1. French National Agency of Information Systems Security. ASN Report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2021 245 08 – SOURCES OF IONISING RADIATION AND THEIR INDUSTRIAL, VETERINARY AND RESEARCH APPLICATIONS 08 07 13 04 10 06 12 14 03 09 05 11 02 AP 01