ASN Report 2021

Causes of events The recurring causes of EST notified in 2021, which were slightly less numerous than in previous years, include: ∙ the presence of surface contamination spots exceeding the regulation limits, detected on conveyances which have been used to transport spent fuel packages, or packagings, or containers. The impact of these events on radiation protection is limited for the public, because the contamination spots detected were inaccessible to them; ∙ nonconformities affecting a package: these mainly concern container damage (perforation or structural deformation) or labelling faults (error or omission). These events had no actual consequences for safety or radiation protection; ∙ stowage or tie-down errors concerning equipment and tools, whether or not contaminated, transported in containers. The EIT reported to ASN are primarily deviations relating to incorrect labelling of packages and non-structural deformation of containers. With regard to the significant on-site transport events, these concern non-compliance with a package transport authorisation and the detection of contamination on the transport system carrier vehicle. 4.3 Participation in drawing up the regulations applicable to the transport of radioactive substances 4.3.1 Participation in the work of the International Atomic Energy Agency ASN represents France on the IAEA’s Transport Safety Standards Committee (TRANSSC), which brings together experts from all countries and reviews the IAEA Safety Standards constituting the basis of regulations concerning the transport of radioactive substances. With a view to constant improvement of the safety level, ASN notably played an active part in drafting the 2018 edition of this document, SSR-6, a French translation of which has been available since mid-2019. The publication of the IAEA guide for application of the radioactive materials transport regulation (SSG-26) is expected in 2022. 4.3.2 Participation in drafting of national regulations ASN takes part in the drafting of French regulations relative to the transport of radioactive substances. These regulations mainly consist of the Order of 29 May 2009 and the Orders of 23 November 1987 concerning the safety of ships and of 18 July 2000 concerning the transport and handling of dangerous GRAPH Trend in the number of significant events affecting the transport of radioactive substances reported between 2004 and 2021 4 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Level 0 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 INSPECTION OF A RAIL SHIPMENT On 27 October 2021, ASN inspectors checked the operations involved in the transport of a spent fuel wagon to Woippy station (département 57). When it arrived in the station, this wagon was detached from the locomotive and joined to a new train before leaving again. IRSN carried out dose rate measurements on contact and at two metres from the wagon, along with radiological contamination measurements. During this examination, the IRSN experts recorded no radiological contamination of the wagon. The dose equivalent rates were below the regulation thresholds. The placards on the wagon, which notably contain information needed to identify the dangerous goods concerned, were compliant with the regulations. The Transport Safety Advisor (CST) and the Fret SNCF dangerous goods transport expert present at the inspection, both held the required training certificates. The inspectors also checked the training of the two drivers involved in the transfer, as well as the track agent who joined the wagon to the train. The inspectors found that the training monitoring required by the RID was not operational and that the training of the personnel concerned was not up to date, including with regard to radiation protection. The inspectors consider that, although the safety of class 7 dangerous goods transport operations is on the whole satisfactory, a number of improvements must be made to the quality management system by the carrier Fret SNCF. 274 ASN Report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2021 09 – TRANSPORT OF RADIOACTIVE SUBSTANCES