ASN Report 2021

Germany In 2016, the French and German Authorities decided to meet regularly to discuss a range of technical subjects. ASN also participates in the Franco-German technical committees concerning the programme for returning German spent nuclear fuel reprocessing waste. Belgium For the production of nuclear electrical power in Belgium, French-designed packagings are sometimes used for “fuel cycle” shipments. In order to harmonise practices and achieve progress in the safety of these shipments, ASN and the competent Belgian Authority (Belgian Federal Nuclear Regulating Agency –AFCN) regularly exchange know-how and experience. The exchanges more particularly concern the review of safety cases for French package models for which approval is validated in Belgium, and inspection practices in each country. United Kingdom ASN and the British regulator (Office for Nuclear Regulation –ONR) share many subjects of interest, notably with regard to validation of English approvals by ASN and vice-versa. Bilateral contacts are therefore held regularly to ensure good communication between these two Authorities. Switzerland In 2012, ASN began bilateral exchanges on transports with the Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate (IFSN –called Eidgenössisches Nuklearsicherheitsinspektorat (ENSI) in German). Since then, ASN and IFSN have met annually in order to discuss the packaging model safety cases and the checks on the requirements associated with the correct utilisation of these transport packages. ASN Report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2021 277 09 – TRANSPORT OF RADIOACTIVE SUBSTANCES 08 07 13 04 10 06 12 14 03 09 05 11 02 AP 01