ASN Report 2021

Finally, every year, the NPP licensees send ASN an annual envi– ronmental report which notably contains a summary of the intakes from and discharges into the environment, any impacts they may have, and any significant events which have occurred. The impact of thermal discharges from the NPPs NPPs discharge hot effluents into watercourses or the sea, either directly, from those NPPs operating with “once-through” cooling, or after cooling of these effluents in cooling towers, enabling some of the heat to be dissipated to the atmosphere. Thermal discharges from NPPs lead to a temperature rise between the points upstream and downstream of the discharge which, depending on the reactors, can range from a few tenths of a degree to several degrees. These thermal discharges are regulated by ASN resolutions. Since 2006, provisions have been incorporated into the ASN resolutions for advance definition of the operations of NPPs in exceptional climatic conditions leading to significant warming of the watercourse. These special provisions are however only applicable if the security of the electricity grid is at stake. Waste management In compliance with the provisions of the Environment Code, EDF carries out waste sorting at source, differentiating in particular between waste from nuclear zones and other waste. For each installation, EDF produces a summary of the management of this waste, in particular presenting a description of the operations which are the cause of production of the waste, the characteristics of the waste produced or to be produced, an estimation of the waste traffic volumes and a waste zoning plan. GRAPH Liquid radioactive discharges for the NPPs in 2021 (per pair of reactors) 3 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Blayais/2 Bugey/2 Chinon/2 Cruas-Meysse/2 Dampierre-en-Burly/2 Gravelines/3 Saint-Laurent-des-Eaux Tricastin/2 Belleville-sur-Loire Cattenom/2 Flamanville Golfech Nogent-sur-Seine Paluel/2 Penly Saint-Alban Chooz Civaux Activity discharged Tritium (TBq) Other than Tritium (GBq) GRAPH Gaseous radioactive discharges for the NPPs in 2021 (per pair of reactors) 4 0 1 2 3 4 0 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.16 Activity discharged Gas (TBq) Halogens and aerosols (GBq) Blayais/2 Bugey/2 Chinon/2 Cruas-Meysse/2 Dampierre-en-Burly/2 Gravelines/3 Saint-Laurent-des-Eaux Tricastin/2 Belleville-sur-Loire Cattenom/2 Flamanville Golfech Nogent-sur-Seine Paluel/2 Penly Saint-Alban Chooz Civaux As there can be a different number of reactors on each site, the results are given “per pair of reactors”, to enable a comparison to be made from one site to another. This for example entails: keeping the results as they are for the Golfech site, which has two reactors; dividing by two those of Chinon, which has four reactors (Chinon/2); dividing by three those of Gravelines, which has six reactors (Gravelines/3). Moreover, the discharge data for each site, sent to ASN by EDF, are not representative of the operating time of the facilities or activities. ASN Report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2021 297 10 – THE EDF NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS 08 07 13 04 10 06 12 14 03 09 05 11 02 AP 01