ASN Report 2021

In 2021, three administrative enforcement sanctions were initiated by the labour inspectors and sent to the Regional Directorates for the Economy, Employment, Labour and Solidarity, who have the power to pronounce sanctions in this area: ∙ two enforcement procedures for non-compliance with the maximum working hours and the absence of a reliable system for counting working hours; ∙ one enforcement procedure for foreign worker secondment violations. 2.9 Continued operation of the Nuclear Power Plants 2.9.1 The age of the Nuclear Power Plants The NPPs currently in service in France were built over a relatively short period of time: 45 nuclear power reactors representing nearly 50,000MWe, or three-quarters of the power output by all the French nuclear power reactors, were commissioned between 1980 and 1990, and seven reactors, representing 10,000MWe, between 1991 and 2000. In December 2021, the average age of the 56 reactors in operation, calculated from the dates of first divergence, can be broken down as follows: ∙ 39 years for the 32 nuclear power reactors of 900 MWe; ∙ 34 years for the 20 nuclear power reactors of 1,300 MWe; ∙ 24 years for the 4 nuclear power reactors of 1,450 MWe. 2.9.2 The periodic safety review The principle of the periodic safety review Every 10 years, EDF must carry out a periodic safety review of its installations. The periodic safety reviews of nuclear power reactors comprise the following two parts: ∙ A check on the condition and conformity of the facility: this step aims to assess the situation of the facility with respect to the rules applicable to it. It is based on a range of inspections and tests in addition to those performed in real-time. These verifications may comprise design reviews, as well as field inspections of the equipment, or even ten-yearly tests such as the containment pressure tests. Any deviations detected during these investigations are then restored to conformity within a time-frame commensurate with their potential consequences. Ageing management is also incorporated into this part of the review. ∙ The safety reassessment: this step aims to improve the level of safety, notably taking account of the experience acquired during operation, changing knowledge, the requirements applicable to the more recent facilities and international best practices. Following these reassessment studies, EDF identifies the changes it intends to make to its facilities in order to enhance safety. The review process for the EDF nuclear power reactors In order to benefit from the standardisation of its nuclear power reactors, EDF first of all implements a generic studies programme for a given type of reactor (900MWe, 1,300MWe or 1,450MWe reactors). The results of this programme are then applied to each nuclear power reactor on the occasion of its periodic safety Bugey 2 Bugey 3 Bugey 4 Bugey 5 Tricastin 1 Gravelines 1 Tricastin 2 Tricastin 3 Gravelines 2 Dampierre 1 Gravelines 3 Saint‑Laurent B1 Dampierre 2 Saint‑Laurent B2 Blayais 1 Dampierre 3 Tricastin 4 Gravelines 4 Dampierre 4 Blayais 2 Chinon B1 Cruas 1 Blayais 4 Blayais 3 Chinon B2 Cruas 3 Paluel 1 Cruas 2 Paluel 2 Gravelines 5 Cruas 4 Saint‑Alban 1 Paluel 3 Gravelines 6 Flamanville 1 Paluel 4 Saint‑Alban 2 Flamanville 2 Chinon B3 Cattenom 1 Cattenom 2 Nogent 1 Belleville 1 Chinon B4 Belleville 2 Nogent 2 Cattenom 3 Penly 1 Golfech 1 Cattenom 4 Penly 2 Golfech 2 Chooz B1 Chooz B2 Civaux 1 Civaux 2 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1990 1991 1992 1993 1996 1997 1999 1,800MWe 1,800MWe 7,200MWe 6,300MWe 1,800MWe 3,600MWe 6,200MWe 4,800MWe 6,100MWe 4,800MWe 2,600MWe 3,900MWe 1,300MWe 1,300MWe 1,300MWe 1,450MWe 2,900MWe 1,450MWe Total power Date of 1st criticality Source: ASN. 1,300 MWe 1,450 MWe 900 MWe TIME-LINE OF FIRST CRITICALITY OF THE FRENCH NUCLEAR POWER REACTORS ASN Report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2021 303 10 – THE EDF NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS 08 07 13 04 10 06 12 14 03 09 05 11 02 AP 01