ASN Report 2021

In France, the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) facility (BNI 174) is an international fusion reactor project currently under construction in Cadarache. The purpose of ITER is to scientifically and technically demonstrate control of thermonuclear fusion by magnetic confinement of a deuteriumtritium plasma, during long-duration experiments with significant power (500 MW for 400 s). The main risk and detrimental effect control challenges for this type of facility notably include control of the containment of radioactive materials (tritium in particular), the risks of exposure to ionising radiation (significant activation of materials under intense neutron flux) and the removal of the residual heat from the reactor compartments (in particular during maintenance work). In the wake of the Fukushima Daiichi NPP accident, ASN initiated a “stress tests” approach for the nuclear facilities. The approach consists in assessing the safety margins in the facilities with regard to their ability to withstand a loss of electrical power, or cooling, and extreme natural hazards. In the light of the conclusions of the stress tests on the ITER installation, appropriate organisational and material provisions, called the “hardened safety core” were implemented. 1.2 Laboratories and miscellaneous industrial facilities 1.2.1 Laboratories The laboratories carrying out research and development work for the nuclear sector contribute to enhancing knowledge for nuclear power production, the “fuel cycle” and waste management. They can also produce radionuclides for medical uses. Principles and safety issues The main challenges inherent in these facilities are protecting persons against ionising radiation, preventing the dispersal of radioactive substances, controlling fire risks and controlling the chain reaction (criticality). The design principles for these laboratories are similar. Special areas, called “shielded cells” allow handling of and experimentation with radioactive substances, using appropriate handling systems. These shielded cells are designed with particularly thick walls and windows, to protect the operators against the ionising radiation. They also allow the containment of radioactive materials by means of a specific ventilation and filters system. The criticality risk is controlled by strict instructions regarding the handling, storage and monitoring of the materials being studied. Finally, the fire risk is managed using technical systems (fire doors, dampers, detectors, fire-fighting equipment, etc.) and an organisation limiting the fire loading. Personnel training and rigorous organisation are also essential factors in controlling these four main risks. Fuels and materials test laboratories Some of these laboratories, operated by CEA, are used to carry out a variety of experiments on irradiated materials or fuels. The purpose of some research programmes, for example, is to allow higher burn-up of fuels or improve their safety. Some of these facilities are also operated for fuel preparation and repackaging. The following fall within this category of laboratories: ∙ the Active Fuel Examination Laboratory (LECA), in Cadarache and its extension, the Treatment, Clean-Out and Reconditioning Station (STAR), which make up BNI 55; RESEARCH FACILITIES IN FRANCE Caen Saclay Sablé-sur-Sarthe Pouzauges Dagneux Marseille Genève Grenoble Marcoule Cadarache Research reactors under construction Cadarache: ITER, Jules Horowitz Reactor (JHR) Laboratories and miscellaneous industrial facilities Cadarache: LECA/STAR, Lefca Saclay: LECI, UPRA Marcoule: Atalante Particle accelerators Caen: Ganil Genève: CERN Materials storage Cadarache: Magenta Industrial ionisation facilities Dagneux, Pouzauges, Sablé-sur-Sarthe: Ionisos Marseille: Gammaster Marcoule: Gammatec Saclay: Poséidon Research reactors Cadarache: Cabri Grenoble: High-Flux Reactor (RHF) ASN Report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2021 323 12 – NUCLEAR RESEARCH AND MISCELLANEOUS INDUSTRIAL FACILITIES 08 07 13 04 10 06 12 14 03 09 05 11 02 AP 01